
at The Evergreen State College

Where does digitized material get stored? (In house servers/offsite/Cloud?)

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Present Digital Storage at Evergreen

Speaking in terms of the Archives Library at Evergreen specifically, all original material is kept either on the local server, one of the three computers now housed for the archives staff's use, the assigned laptop of our archivist, or the new server housed in the technology department on campus.

Evergreen is in the process of, and has joined 34 other schools or businesses of transferring all their digitized material to the off-site repository at Northwest Digital Archives. Once all of the currently housed digital archival materials have been transferred to the repository, all the original material will remain on our servers here. The servers here will (until some better idea comes up) continue to function as a back-up to the material sent to the NW Digital Repository.

In the future, our on-line archives catalog pages will be dismantled as we know them today. They will reflect only a home page with links pointing to NW Digital Repositories base catalog for our school.

Present Storage of Paper, Audio, Video, and Other Physical Material

Currently all physical materials that have been either archived (cateloged and entered into the system) or waiting to be archived (not entered into the system and not necessarily cateloged) are housed within the archive's rooms in the basement of the library building on campus.

There is a method that archivist use to select materal for archiving, and for utilizing space efficiently for the ever growing amounts of accumulating archival materials of all kinds. Refer to: Encoded Archival Description (EAD).