ARCHIVE - A-POP, Don't Stop » Dante et al. Winter 2014 Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:26:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ARCHIVE - Week 4, Thursday. Talking points (fri seminar) Fri, 31 Jan 2014 06:43:12 +0000 Chapter 6.

Other than discouraging male Asian American immigrants to stay in America by not allowing female immigrants to easily join them/their communities, in what other ways did this set Asian American men and their self-created communities up for queer discrimination?
Influenced by quote on page 124: “Until the post-1965 era, Filipino American communities were not exactly conventional domestic units” (Bascara).

Chapter 10.

“With the increase in multiracial participants, people’s attention was drawn to the issue of who, racially, could claim to speak for or represent the [Japanese American] community as a whole,” (page 215, King-O’Riain).
In this context, the focus is on beauty pageants, but on a broader scale: is there ever one perfect-fitting representative for any oppressed minority/community? And who gets to choose these representatives vs. who gets to choose if these representatives are accepted (both within and outside of the community)?

Chapter 14.

How do we, as a class looking at Asian Americans represented by others and representing themselves in pop culture, begin to look at those in the media who are passing white but multiracial (such as Keanu Reeves). How do we begin to interrogate our ideas of “what an Asian looks like” vs. begin to look at possible privileges of those who are passing white, multiracial people?
Influenced by quotes on page 284: “Is [Reeves] Asian because he ‘looks Asian’? Or Asian because he self-identifies as Asian? Or simply Asian because he has Asian blood” (Nishime) and, “Yet the two issues cannot be separated since Reeve’s stardom may depend on his ability to pass as white in the majority of American theatres” (Nishime).



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