ARCHIVE - A-POP, Don't Stop » how i met your mother Winter 2014 Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:26:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ARCHIVE - How I Met Your Mother & Astronauts Tue, 21 Jan 2014 05:28:10 +0000 0 ARCHIVE - HIMYM *headdesk* Sat, 18 Jan 2014 02:58:51 +0000 Continue reading »]]> I immediately got home today after lunch to Google what was happening with a T.V. show that I am a fan of and to tell you the awful truth, I am not at all surprised by their actions for choosing to put their ‘yellow face’ on. Why? Because this show is problematic LEFT AND RIGHT.

It is heartbreaking to see someone like Neil Patrick Harris, a proud father of two in a same sex marriage, to play a character (Barney) that is so. incredibly. misogynistic.  Ted Mosby (played by Josh Radnor) is no saint either! His constant whining about not finding a wife throughout the show is incredibly immature and it takes several times for Robin (played by Cobie Smulders) to say ‘No’ to him when he wants to have a romantic relations with her.

I’m sorry, it’s just too hard to point out every single thing they do on this show that is fucked up so I provided you with a link that has a list of all the awful things this show portrays:

So how do I feel about ‘yellow face’? Well, unfortunately,  it probably was on it’s way anyway.

Besides, doing ‘yellow face’ is like so TOTALLY okay, it’s not racist but please let’s just avoid black face, we don’t want to be THOSE kind of people. African Americans were oppressed, and in fact, we are just poking fun at how talented all Asians are with Kung Fu because we LOVE Kung Fu too! Please note my sarcasm in that.

Man, sometimes I can’t believe it’s 2014 with the entertainment industry still pulling these stunts. Did not one person through the writing process of that episode think or mention “Wow, this is blatant racism guys.”

The co-creator did issue an apology after people on twitter started tagging their stuff with #HowIMetYourRacism. I sort of wish they didn’t issue the apology via Twitter only because you only have a certain number of characters you can insert and therefore shortens it but I also understand that in this day and age, Twitter is one of the major ways that celebrities or writers can directly respond to an audience.



… Damnit Ted.


The only good thing about this picture is Jason Segel.

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