ARCHIVE - A-POP, Don't Stop » Notes Winter 2014 Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:26:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ARCHIVE - Notes Fri, 21 Feb 2014 22:34:37 +0000 scratch notes from this week. 

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ARCHIVE - it’s just a story, remember? Tue, 11 Feb 2014 07:09:54 +0000 Notes

These are probably some better examples of mine, even with unfortunate handwriting.

notes01 notes02 notes03

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ARCHIVE - Music Videos Thu, 06 Feb 2014 23:26:22 +0000 BEP: Go against the grain- make their songs half Tagalog/English or just in Tagalog. Music videos portrayed the early Takaki chapters of “Dollar a Day Dime a Dance.” and Filipino pride with BEBOT. APL song is mostly about how Apl’s homeland was. music video has things with Filipino grandpa in a nursing home- ASIAN CULTURES DO NO DO THAT- western cultures do.

BLUE SCHOLARS= Blue Collar? SCHOLAR- educated “profound knowledge of a certain subject”

BEP- Where is the Love (2003) ELEPHUNK

Click here to view the embedded video.


BEP- One Tribe (2009) THE E N D

Click here to view the embedded video.

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ARCHIVE - Class Notes 1/31 Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:11:32 +0000 bound·a·ry

[boun-duh-ree, -dree] noun, plural bound·a·ries. 1. something that indicates boundaries or limits; a limiting or bounding line.

In class today we related Slanted Screen, Orientals, and Saving Face together by relating them to the term “boundary.” Above I gave‘s definition of boundary  and in class, we defined boundaries as a division, borders, or lines. All three relate to boundaries of sexuality, opportunity, traditions, interracial boundaries and more.

We eventually moved onto East Main Street and the different chapters. Each chapter has a different topic, but they all have the same theme of having these boundaries given to them.

The first chapter we covered was chapter 6, “Within Each Crack/A Story.” This chapter covers the “political economy of queering Filipino American pasts” (117). The title can mean various things, like the cracks in our hans, or cracks in a story, or even a butt crack.



adjective, queer·er, queer·est.

1. strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different; singular: a queer notion of justice.

2.of a questionable nature or character; suspicious; shady: Something queer about the language  of theprospectus kept investors away.
3.not feeling physically right or well; giddy, faint, or qualmish: to feel queer.
4.mentally unbalanced or deranged.
5. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive.

a. homosexual
 b. effeminate; unmanly.

Queer has many different meanins; however, in today’s society, most people only understand “queer” as the derogatory term. In this chapter, though, queer is actually used in both the strange or odd conventional viewpoint and the homosexual meaning. On page 125 it states, “‘They like you because you eat dog,’” obviously this is a queer view of it being something that would seem mentally unbalanced in the American culture;  furthermore, this essay tries to use “‘queer domesticity’ to characterize pre- 1965 communitities of Filipino laborers”(119). In a sense, some habits of Filipino culture can be seen queer to the American eyes, yet what Filipino had to go through is quite queer itself insofaras to America sees the Philippines as “little brown children” (124). As the Filipino community tries to assimilate to America, America has set this boundary in which they cannot cross.

The second chapter we covered was chapter 10 “Miss Cherry Blossom Meets Mainstream America.” This chapter covered Japanes American second generation (Nisei) beauty pageants and how they tried to assimilate to American cultures. There was a boundary already set up against the Japanese-Amreican culture to prevent them from being part of the American culture so creating pageants that “mimiced” mainstream America (208). Their way of mimicing the American culture was their way to prove to the whites that they were trying to assimilate, “by dressing the queen in western garb and promoting her keen and usually native-born ability to speak English, the community highlighted the “Americanness” of Japanese Americans…They too could claim to be ‘All American Girls’ by mimicking and adopting hegemonic American cultural values such as innocence, sexual purtity, honesty, and caring” (207). Instead of being able to cross this boundary of beauty pageants, Nisei pageants ended up making a new boundary to acceptance of a new kind of beauty pageant of Japanese American culture.

The last chapter we covered for the day was chapter 14, “How to Rehabilitate a Mulatto.”


[muh-lat-oh, -lah-toh, myoo-] 

noun, plural mu·lat·toes, mu·lat·tos.

1. Anthropology . (not in technical use) the offspring of one white parent and one black parent.
2. Older Use: Often Offensive. a person who has both black and white ancestors.
3. of a light-brown color.
As most people know, Tiger Woods is a “mulatto” and a famous golfer. Golfing is seen as a rich, “white” sport, Woods has already crossed that boundary by just being part Black. He does not call himself that; instead, he calls himself  a “‘Cablinasian,’ Black, Indian, and Asian” (222). He does not refer to himself as just one race, though most people see him just as a Black golfer. He crosses the boundary of identifying himself as an “African American” or “Asian American” he instead, refers to a combination of his ethnicities. There was also an exerpt in the book about Nike and the commericals they aired. Tiger had an ad where a group of children of all different races stated, “I am Tiger Woods.” Instead of having one person wishing to be that idol of a certain race or ethnicity, Wood’s commercial has portrayed a variety of cultures. This erases the lines created by racism and instead of categorizing the races, the races are all together as one.
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ARCHIVE - January 23 Class Notes Mon, 27 Jan 2014 07:17:43 +0000 Anime Wong (play on//week 9 animes?): First Chinese American actress
Racialicious: “Racialicious is a blog about the intersection of race and pop culture.” & East Main Street
Parrying Katy: Geisha’s just love with all their heart. I think Katy Perry wasn’t being racist, I think she’s just ignorant about the culture and the lifestyle of Japan. I mean yea she could have just not said anything, but I mean, I don’t think she meant to be racist/offensive
Covering Richard Sherman: Monkey & a Thug. A corner back who was part of the team who gets to proceed to SUPERBOWL XXXXVIII. Super exciting right? But, he had made a very aggressive commentary against Crabtree of the 49ers saying that [sherman] is the best corner back in the league and that Crabtree shouldn’t be talking about him. & people reacted to this by calling him a “monkey & thug.” A thug: young black person who is outspoken. This bugs me. It’s a sport, it’s competitive, and it’s the nature of the game. People get heated and into the moment, of course there’s competition and people will talk, but what do people expect? It’s not like nobody else has ever lost their cool in a heated moment like that.

CULTURE: Integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thoughts, speech, action, and artifacts that depends on mans capacity, customary beliefs, social forms, material trait of a racial religion or social groups.

Popular Culture starts with studying someone’s culture

1. Culture that is widely favored or well liked by many people
2. Culture which is left over after we have decided what is high culture
3. Mass Culture
4. Culture which originates from “the people”
5.Culture rooted in exchange and negotiation between dominant and subordinate groups
6. Culture which no longer recognizes distinction.

Stereotype: greek/ stereo:hard, fixed – typos: blow, impression
Oriental: geocentric, why isn’t the U.S. the “East?”
Yellowface: derogatory of blackface. blackface 1830-40 cultural form to characterizing black people

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ARCHIVE - My notes from 1/7-1/23 Sat, 25 Jan 2014 01:15:14 +0000 image 1/23 1/17 image image 1/142 1/14 1/10 1/7 ]]> 0