ARCHIVE - A-POP, Don't Stop » opinion Winter 2014 Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:26:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ARCHIVE - Brothers’ Conflict [Episode 1 Review] Mon, 20 Jan 2014 06:59:18 +0000 A short series, 12 episodes in total, beginning with a girl moving into a house full of guys for fairly vague reasons(Papa and … work overseas so I’m always alone). They immediately throw in the “we’re all siblings!” towel to make a girl living with a bunch of guys totally okay  and the story is off.

Initially, I found the main character to be incredibly dull (what was her name, even?). Very much like a placeholder character in an otome* game, she had not particular qualities which stood out. Combine that with a sick spell in the first ten minutes, and I am already concerned about the way the show is going. I can tell she’s gonna be one of those, “oh no, who will save me?” kind of characters, but I want to give it a chance. Maybe they will surprise me and make her a tsundere* character in the end( even though that is definitely not going to happen).

The number of male characters in this is massive as well. The main love interests are obvious, only because they point out who to look for before they even introduce any of the characters. I’m not sure if the cast could be much more bland. I can absolutely see that they are most likely going to have the main girl have an episode for each guy, having little moments with each to see their softer sides, saving the main love interests for the last couple episodes and rushing their love stories to the point of unbelievable. It is a reverse harem, so I’m gonna give it a couple more episodes to show me if it is gonna be worthwhile.

I’d quickly like to clarify my bias. I don’t admire the type of character portrayed in this. I also don’t like a rushed love story. I’d recommend giving it a watch at some point if you enjoy reverse harem, as it follows many of the same patterns.


*See Otome and Tsundere on wikipedia by clicking the links :3

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