ARCHIVE - A-POP, Don't Stop » racist Winter 2014 Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:26:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ARCHIVE - I don’t know how to feel about these videos… Wed, 05 Feb 2014 19:29:10 +0000 Click here to view the embedded video.


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ARCHIVE - T.W. Language ‘Gran Torino’ Tue, 21 Jan 2014 23:52:34 +0000 Continue reading »]]> I am going to define the following words in the way that defines them. You’ll have to excuse the spelling errors as this website allows for anyone to define a word, however they want. These definitions were the top rated definitions voted by those who have visited the site.

Maybe this style  of defining words will look familiar to you guys as well.


A derogatory term used in reference to people of Asian descent.

It is said to have been coined during the Korean war by frontline troops whom had run over enemy troops in jeeps.

2,751 people liked this.


A derrogatory term used for the purpose of describing a korean. (Obtained form the korean pronunciation of their country, Hangook.)

3,668 people liked this.


racist term used to describe the Chinese.

7,027 people liked this.


A Japanese person (derogatory, from Nippon, the Japanese word for Japan)

1,071 people liked this.

The reason I included the number of likes a definition got is because I think it paints a sad picture of language within our society. The fact that anyone can attach the word ‘like’ to a word that so many of us have been called in a hateful manner paints a grim painting for the future. Now, people could have ‘like’d the words purely because it is the closest definition to the word and paints the most accurate portrayal of that word and there will always be reasons but I guess that in some sense this relates to pop culture because sometimes we aren’t really sure why we ‘like’ the things that we like that pertain to our pop culture and we just might ‘like’ things purely for the fact that they are just there. Not adding any weight to anything.

I tried to keep count how many times Walt and any other white characters used a derogatory term towards or about Asians. The total was 27 but I may have missed some words. It doesn’t sound like that much especially considering how prejudiced Walt was but that’s still 27. To some people, those words are just words, but for people like me, for the people like the Hmongs, that sort of language, carries so much depth and pain. 27 words could easily equally to 2700 times that we have been called that, 2700 times we felt we weren’t welcomed because of what we look like, 2700 times just in one year, 27,000,000 times throughout our history in the United States, starting from now to when we first landed on the shore of the Land of the Free.

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