ARCHIVE - A-POP, Don't Stop » tropes Winter 2014 Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:26:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ARCHIVE - Better Luck Tomorrow Thu, 16 Jan 2014 23:53:32 +0000 soph·o·mor·ic

adjective \ˌsäf-ˈmȯr-ik, -ˈmär-also ˌsȯf- or ˌsä-fə- or ˌsȯ-fə-\

: having or showing a lack of emotional maturity : foolish and immature

:  conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature <a sophomoric argument>

This definition I felt suited not only every single character in the film, but even the film itself. First off, I felt the use of this was particularly intentional, as referenced by the use of the word temerity to express their “rash boldness” of their boredom. Each of the characters expressed a different kind of individualistic personality, but this trait was common among all. Ben was the fairly innocent bad guy (inverted when he practically kills Steve later). Virgil was the idiot, Daric the smart alec, Han the badass.  The tropes provided here could be constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed. Overachievers, bored with their passive intelligence go on to become criminals. The innocent bad guy trope is there as well(Ben didn’t kill Steve, he just nearly did and someone else finished him off, saving his active innocence). I would personally have liked to see these tropes at least inverted, turned on their head to express a point. I feel like this film absolutely had a fantastic point, but it was so drowned in tropes from other films that this one seemed almost infantile in its expression. I loved the film, don’t get me wrong.

I was disappointed that they didn’t touch on the individuals nationalities, but in a way it made it more endearing. It wasn’t important to the plot of the story. Only one Asian joke was made through the entire film(surprising considered it was picked up by MTV, seeing as how they like to make every race the butt of the joke), and this made me feel like they didn’t quite want to touch the idea of race within the film.

I’m sure I have more to say on the subject of the film, but I need some more time to gather my thoughts and deconstruct what I saw in my own head, so I plan to revisit some of the things I’d like to talk about after that. Please, leave some comments if you think anything I’ve said is wrong, or even if you just feel like playing devil’s advocate. I love to hear counter arguments.



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