Evergreen Natural History Podcasts http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/podcasts Available Evergreen podcasts. en TESC Beach Trail Tour http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/node/856 <br><br><p>This enhanced podcast by Alison Styring is the first of a series about Evergreen's trails and particular features of interest in Evergreen's ecology.</p> http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/node/856#comments 12:00 Alison Styring This enhanced podcast by Alison Styring is the first of a series about Evergreen's trails and particular features of interest in Evergreen's ecology. Introduction to the beach trail. no Sat, 26 Jan 2008 00:19:55 -0800 curtzt 856 at http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory Organic Farm Trail Tour http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/farm-trail-podcast <br><br><p>Alison Styring talks about the trail to Evergreen's Organic Farm, discussing the dominant forest plants, common birds and other animals, and <em>Phellinus weirii</em> [laminated root rot].</p> <p><a href="farm-tour-copyright">Copyright and licensing information</a></p><p><a href="http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/farm-trail-podcast">read more</a></p> http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/farm-trail-podcast#comments 16:44 Alison Stryring <p>Alison Styring talks about the trail to Evergreen's Organic Farm, discussing the dominant forest plants, common birds and other animals, and <em>Phellinus weirii</em> [laminated root rot].</p> TESC Farm Trail Tour clean Tue, 08 Apr 2008 15:05:33 -0700 curtzt 944 at http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory Thatch Ants at Evergreen http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/thatch-ants-podcast <br><br><p>Jack Longino, one of the field biologists on Evergreen's faculty, talks about <em>Formica obscuripes</em> and the big thatched mounds that colonies of these ants make around campus out of twigs and pine needles. [Evergreen Natural History Podcast #3, April 9, 2008]</p> http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/thatch-ants-podcast#comments 15:40 Jack Longino Jack Longino, one of the field biologists on Evergreen's faculty, talks about <em>Formica obscuripes</em> and the big thatched mounds that colonies of these ants make around campus out of twigs and pine needles. [Evergreen Natural History Podcast #3, April 9, 2008] Thatch Ants at Evergreen no Wed, 09 Apr 2008 17:44:16 -0700 curtzt 952 at http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory Kingfishers and Roughwinged Swallows http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/kingfisherpodcast An enhanced podcast which is mostly about kingfishers (and includes great photos). The last section of the podcast discusses how rough-winged swallows use old kingfisher nest tunnels. http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory/kingfisherpodcast#comments 7:23 Unknown Kingfisher natural history; great photos; how rough-winged swallows use old kingfisher nest tunnels. no Mon, 18 Aug 2008 22:19:42 -0700 curtzt 985 at http://acdrupal.evergreen.edu/naturalhistory