Tasmanian Eucalyptus obliqua: Crown Structure and Arthropod Biodiversity

Crown Structure and the Canopy Arthropod Biodiversity of Tasmanian Eucalyptus obliqua
To investigate the differences in arthropod biodiversity and crown structure between 100 year old and old-growth Eucalyptus obliqua trees at Warra Long Term Ecological Research Site, Southern Tasmania, Australia. To examine correlations between crown structure and arthropod biodiversity. To increase zoological knowledge of Eucalyptus canopies. To further develop 3-d virtualization techniques of arboreal structure.

Locations: Warra LTER, Huon Valley, Tasmania, Australia

Start Date: January 30, 2002
End Date: January 30, 2005

Funding Information: Warra LTER student grant, Forestry Tasmania, Australian Geographic Society, Vertical Pty. Ltd., University of Tasmania School of Geography and Environmental Studies


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If you download and use data from these datasets you must provide reference to this citation:
Bar-Ness YD. 2005. Crown Structure and the Canopy Arthropod Biodiversity of Tasmanian Eucalyptus obliqua [MSc thesis, pending review]. University of Tasmania: Hobart, Australia. 294pp. Available online at http://www.geog.utas.edu.au/yoav/

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