Chemistry in Everyday Life
William P. Green


Seminar is one of the unique experiences at Evergreen.  The seminar in this class looks at the environmental and sociological impacts of chemistry and the chemical industry.  It also constitutes an essential preparation for the oral presentation associated with the final examination.  Active participation in seminar is a requirement of the course.

Seminar also provides a basis for the presentation in the final examination.  The various topics in seminar discuss some fundamentals about the environment, man's interactions as part of the environment, and motivational factors in modern society.
The Most Important Chemical

Vitamin C

for other polarized light crytal structures go to Art and Science

Vanilla:  What is natural?
What is a pollutant?
Resource Management
Why do people pollute?
Water Allocation
Genetically Modified Organisms
The Paradox of Pesticides
Sweet Justice
Preserving the Environment
The Addictions of Society
The Magic Wand or Silver Bullet