Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

Date Place Reflections
10-1-05 The Evergreen Organic Farm It was fun, but a bit chaotic and overstimulating, but my daughter thought it was fun, especially the hay
10-17-05 Lincoln Elementary I started working with small groups of children doing reading groups. Some seem excited, but others seem like it may stress them out and cause them a little anxiety.
10-31-05 Lincoln Elementary I got to work with six kids in the garden today. We planted garlic and picked flowers. The kindergarten kids love to go in the garden. They all wanted to come out, but we only had time for six. I think that they need the fresh air and exercise, especially at their age. Even though they are not in school that long, I think for five year olds even two and half hours is a long time.
11-7-05 Lincoln Elementary I got to start my curriculum today with the kids in kindergarten. We made granola and I think that it went really well. I could only take a few to work with me, but a lot more wanted to do it too. So I'm hoping that means that next week some new kids will also be interested. A few of the children left after a few minutes into the process, but I had 3 that were very involved and wanted to keep going until it was all done. I think 3 is a good number to try and cook with at a time anyway. More than that and it can become hard to involve all them enough to keep them focused and having fun.
11-23-05 Lincoln Elementary I observed Robin doing her curriculum today. She was doing nature collages. It was a very unstructured project(kids just playing with objects from nature and gluing them on paper). I think that it was great for them to have an art project with no prescribed outcome. So many of the art projects that I've seen done in the class have been designed to have a certain outcome. Which I think a lot of kids enjoy, but some kids really like to just mess around and create whatever they create. One child who is usually very uncooperative during structured activities and usually refuses to participate actually said, " you know, this is actually really fun."


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