Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Learn and Discover Preschool


Curriculum Plan

Preschool Ages 3-5


Fall Wreath and Nature Walk  

- colors

- weather

- leaves/trees

- Songs/Stories


- Paper sacks for collecting leaves

- Paper plates

- Brown paint

- String

- Glue / Hot glues gun

Action Plan:

I broke my lesson up into to different days. The first day I began discussing autumn, the changing leaves and nature. We then took a trip to a local park for the nature walk. I had the children collect various leaves, twigs, pinecones etc. After we explored nature we took our findings back to dry. I also had the children prepare the wreath using paper plates and brown paint! The next day we again began in circle time- singing songs and discussing the previous days work. I then had the children begin decorating their fall wreath. They loved it! I was amazed at how some children really took notice to the fine details of the leaves and twigs.



The Leaves of the Trees (to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus")

The leaves of the trees turn orange and red, orange and red, orange and red

The leaves of the trees turn orange and red

All through the town.

The leaves of the trees come tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down,

The leaves of the trees come tumbling down

All through the town.

The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish,

The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish,

All through the town.


Leaves in the autumn came tumbling down,

Scarlet and yellow, russet and brown,

Leaves in the garden were swept in a heap,

Trees were undressing ready for sleep.


Autumn leaves float quietly down

And form a carpet on the ground.

But when those leaves are stepped upon,

Listen for the crackling sound.


The Leaves are Falling Down (to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell")

The leaves are falling down, The leaves are falling down

School is here and fall is near

The leaves are falling down.

The leaves are falling down, the leaves are falling down

Some are red and some are brown

The leaves are falling down.

The leaves are falling down, the leaves are falling down,

They tickle your nose and touch your toes, The leaves are falling down.







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