Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

Who: Julia Borks Kindergarten Class

Where: Mariah Art School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When: November 29th, 2005, 1 hour block of time with 10-15 children. 10-20 min at each station

What: Three different stations. 1st station, Mushroom spore prints, on black construction paper. 2nd station, rain stick making! 3rd station leaf finding game!

Why: To introduce children to the magical world of Mushrooms and the art they leave behind when laid upon black paper. To allow children to become familiar with sound and the sounds of nature especially rain being that the rain becomes a large part of our lives during the fall and winter seasons. I choose a fun game to play with the children so that they wouldn't get board. So we played huckabuckle find the leaf!

Preparation: Julia and I went on a nature walk out in the Evergreen woods and spent a good couple of hours looking for mushrooms and leaves. We also talked about games that we could play with the children so that more than less they had a bit of an escape just in case they begin to feel rambunctious. I then spent time cutting 15 plastic hollow tubes about 2 feet in length and used tape to seal off one of the ends. I then collected small pebbles two or three bags, to put into the rain sticks so that when they move from end to end they create that sound of rain.

Curriculum reflections:

Memorable quotes!

What I would do to improve my lesson:


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