Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

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1/24/06 Outside on Campus I wanted to share my thoughts on my experience today as I waited for the bus to take me to my physical therapy. As I stood there waiting for the bus I noticed so many different things happening all at once. The noises that were man made, cars, buses, and all the construction that is going on makes all this racket and noise. But I noticed if you block all that out, you begin to hear the sounds of nature all around you. The birds were chirping so sweetly, then I could hear a crow talking in the background, the wind gently making the trees move to and fore, allowing them to gently speak to us, if only we would listen once in a while. Once I was on the bus we are driving along when all of a sudden out jumps a deer and I think to myself, mmmm how close we as modern humans live to such beauty and most is lost to us is the shuffle of life. So I guess what I am getting at is that we need to slow down, pause and listen to what Mother Nature has to say to all her creatures including us.
  Last Wed., in class As I sat and listened to Marja's talk on the circle of life and the different seasons we experience in life, it made me realize how winter effected me as a person and if I was feeling like I have been these last couple of weeks, I wonder what the rest of my class is experiencing as well. I feel as though I started this quarter at a crawl, I pulled a muscle then I got the flu, not off to the great start but its more than just that. Does everyone feel as though inside their soul is slumbering, and that as spring approaches does everyone feel their soul beginning to stir and awaken? I know mine is starting to strectch and move and say hey I am alive, I want to begin to grow again, WHERES THE DARN SUN??????!!!!!??????? I don't know about you but my soul has had enough water for awhile, I am in dire need of some sunshine and playing in the grass without getting my behind wet. I am looking forward to coming out into the sun with the rest of my class.

Well today was a wonderful and fun day; we had our first class working with kids of all ages. We did a puppet workshop, I brought all the puppets I have made while at school and showed how the different ones are made and used. Then we made puppets out of household recycled items and scraps of material found around the house. We had fun creating many different kinds of puppets then we topped off the day by the children doing wonderful off the cuff little skits. We enjoyed watching and participating in the class today; I hope everyone that was there had as much fun as I did.


Tonight in class we had an interesting discussion on how the power of words affects and shape who we r as individuals, as a community and as humanity. This makes me wonder how much this shaped who I am today. The question was raised should we force a child to read before they are ready? Knowing how a child learns and grows and adapts to the surroundings what right do we have to force another human to against their own biological clock? Another question that was posed was as you learn to read what do you gain and what do you loose? I had all this on my brain when I came home, I sat down and watched a show on TV with my husband; it was a touching, courageous story of a woman that gave up her son in order to protect him from his father (who was murder of the worst sorts) and allowed herself to electrocuted for crimes she didn't do so that she could keep the secret of where her son was. Her son had been adopted by a wealthier family and didn't know about his family history and he had won a scholarship for his music. The show end with the man who tried to save the mother, ended up agreeing to let her do it her way and when she asked that he be the last face she sees as she is prepared to be put to death. I sat there and cried with my husband who was in tears as well; we held each other as we watched the end of this show with the son playing the cello beautifully with gentleman watching him with a tear streaming down his face. The show ends with him quoting "What we do for ourselves dies with us. But what we do for others and humanity is immortal" Robert Payne, truer words have never been spoken.


Well I just had the most wonderful day with my class in celebration of the Lunar New Year. I got to get dressed in my silk red dress and I filmed the wonderful Tai GI teacher we had in class today. It was fun to see most of my class doing the exercises and laughing when they were relaxed. Its amazing how self-conscious people can be when they notice they are being stared at or watched. The energy in the room was intense the hairs on the back of my arms raised up tall and I felt energized from this class and I had really enjoyable with two wonderful ladies from class. I felt a great bonding with both of them; it felt as though we became kindred spirits. Something such as this doesn’t happen very often for me; I tend to be closed about some things I don’t like sharing all the time and it was nice to feel comfortable enough with these women to open up with them a little. Thank you ladies for a memorable time.


The next day for me was filled with mixed emotions and it was such a dreary day with wind and rain, a perfect winter day just before spring arrives. To tell the truth I woke up feeling icky and gross, not wanting to leave the house, my house is my comfort. I have all my plants, art, candles and my herbs all around me; it’s my Shangri-La from the world around me. I almost didn’t leave the house, my husband had to push hard to get me out the door. Once I got there and saw the happy faces, I was a bit better, but still felt on edge. We had a great seminar on the reading and how festival change people lives and cultures if they produced by the government or developed by the people to fit the needs of their spirituality. Afterwards we had the poetry reading, which was lovely, I got some wonderful takes on the audience gauging their reactions to the words. This is what I call the Power of Words and this is what I see as a gain for us as a society.  By the end of this, I must say I am sorry; I had enough, as my ASL teacher says FINISHED!!!!!! I am the type of person that takes a lot of energy in and gives it back but after awhile it tends to be very tiring.  If you don’t all know this by now, my husband is going in this month for surgery to get his knees replaced. At the same time he is in a great deal of pain so my sleep patterns are messed up at the moment so please forgive me for any shortcomings I may have during this time. I feel like the seed trying to break loose of all the constraints I am tired of being in the rain am tired of the dark am tired of the cold. I am so ready for spring to be here so that I may burst forth from my constraints and grow like a new seedling in the sunshine.

3/06   Well where did this quarter go, one minute we were all getting started then boom we are all done, can we have a do over please...... This quarter has been a whirlwind of activities for me not only with school but in my personal life as well. As you all know my husband had knee surgery, totally replaced his right knee, bit of a rough time for his first week home, but haveto say he is doing so much better. I feel as though I can breath again, what scare last week when I thought he had a blood clot in his lung or leg, never ridden in an ambulance before, wow what an experience that was. I feel drugout, tired and oh so ready for spring to be here and bring life back to this tired old soul. I am done hibernating, the house feels way too small right now and its about to get smaller with my sons, both of them coming for a visit this next week all week long yeah, (laughs) don't get me worng I love my children dearly, but with with everything else going on in my life having 6 people in a one bedroom apartment, is not my idea of fun. Laughs again oh well this is life and we need to live it to the fullest, so lets open up our leaves sort of speaking and let the sunshine do its thing.



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