Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons


























Garden Step #1:

See hard copy

Garden Step #2:

Bed #1- Nervous System

  1. Lavender
  2. Peppermint
  3. Fever few
  4. Skullcap
  5. Chamomile

Bed #2-Female Support

  1. Crampbark
  2. Raspberry leaf
  3. Pennyroyal
  4. Jamacian dogwood
  5. Damiana

Bed #3-First Aid

  1. Aloe Vera
  2. Calendula
  3. Chickweed
  4. Comfry
  5. Yarrow
  6. Lemon balm

Bed #4-Culinary

  1. Chives
  2. Cayenne
  3. Spearmint
  4. Basil

2. See hard copy

3.         I am having difficulty deciding where I want to put my garden beds.  I may just end up putting the beds on the porch, even though they will take up most of the room.  We also may be moving so it may change the whole plan.  The apartments were in have garden plots and they have not given them out yet.


Garden Step #3

  1. Lavender- Lavandula, angustifolia or spica Lamiaceae (Labiatce)

Opposite or whorled, 12-24 in., square stem, aromatic, well drained soil, full sun, indoor gardens, growth is moderate to slow, grows from seeds or stem cuttings, culinary, cosmetic, medicinal, aromatherapy.

Peppermint- Mentha, piperita Lamiaceae, mint family
Damp places, leaves 2 in. long, finely toothed, smooth slightly hairy, stems 2-4 ft high, purple tint, reddish purple flowers, fairly warm temps, moist and deep and well drained soil, flavoring, aromatherapy, medicinal

Chamomile-Anthemis, nobilos Compositae family
Long growing plant, leaves and flowers 1 foot high, perennial root, hairy stems, blooms late summer end of July to early September, white florets, yellow centers, small and dry fruit, dry sand soil, sunny, thinly sown seeds in May.

Skullcap- Scutellaria, lateriflora Labiatae family
Whorled small blue flowers, slender heavy branches 2-4 ft tall, blooms early July, grows in rich woods, moist soils.

Aloe Vera- Aloe, barbadensis Liliaceae family
Perennial, short stem, crowded leaves, spiny teeth, spread 6 ft. or more, dusty green color, yellow or orange tubular flowers that bloom in spring, plant will damage at 32 degrees, full sun to part shade, remove dead stalks, easy propagation.

Calendula- Calendula, officinalis Asteraceae/Compositae family
Pale green leaves, sow seeds in April, easy propagation, any soil, full to part sun, flowers in June until heavy frost, seeds ripen in August-September, annual, 12-24 inches, low drought tolerance 15” apart, water 1-2 times per week, (only the flowers that are deep orange have medicinal value?)

Comfry- Symphytum, officinale Boraginaceae family
Grows in watery places, rough and hairy all over, fiberous roots, 2-3 feet high, hollow lower leaves up to 10 inches long, ovate, promotes itching when touched, cluster of dropping flowers color is light yellow or purple blooms in end of April to early May, almost any soil or situation, grows best under tree shade sow seeds or grow by root division.

  1. See steps 1 and 2
  2. March/April

-build beds
-research soil types, and watering
-get seeds and starts
-plant seeds or starts
                        -tend to seeds and starts
                        -make sure water supply is good
                        -continue steps in May
                        -possible harvests

  1. Wood, nails, hammers, screws, chicken wire, seeds, digging tools, watering devise, soil, starts.
  2. We do not have a place to put compost now, however if we move that may change,
  3. As far as I know I will just need to water the plants when they need it.  Keep a close eye on them.
  4. N/A
  5. My partner is excited about the garden and about helping with the garden.  I do not know much about building and building materials, so his help will come in handy.  I have also been talking to other people who are doing a container garden, as well as speaking with people who already have an existing garden.  This is my first garden so I’m a bit nervous about hoe it will go, but I’m just going to jump in there and go for it!


Garden Step #4

  1. Steps:
    1. Research materials for bed
    2. Research prices for materials
    3. Purchase materials
    4. Build beds
    5. Research soil types for container gardening
    6. Purchase seeds/starts
    7. Plant
    8. Water and watch grow
    9. Harvest


  1. I will begin to do the research on the soil, materials, and watering.
  2. I think I may move this garden to McKenny School.  I need to talk to Mr. Brewer to see what he wants.  I would also like to see if maybe they would help out with cost, possibly raise the money somehow.

































































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