Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

Date Place Reflections
10/01/05 Organic Farm When I first got to the Organic Farm, not too many people were there. It was raining really hard. Our group were setting up tables and decided what table should have crafts and pumpkins. The children were very happy carving the pumpkins and working on the luminaries/crafts. All the kids seem to be having a great time. The adults also seemed like they were enjoying the festival. I was working with the luminaries and found it to be enjoyable to learn how to make them. All of us helped and assisted one another. It was a team effort.
10/05/2005 Classroom

What an incredible night. The guest speaker tonight, when she was talking about birth and showing us pictures of women going into labor and birth of a baby, brought back memories of when I was in labor w/my beautiful son (2 years ago). My baby was so stubborn and didn't want to come out. I was in labor for many many hours...and he decided to face the other direction so he made it difficult for me to push him I was having back-labor pains (worst pain ever). He was finally vacummed out...(funny terminology) and when he came out he had a cone-head. = ) The minute I saw him, all the pain was worth it and he has become my world, my life.

The Speaker tonight brought all these memories back. = )

10/12/05 Classroom I also enjoyed listening to the guest speaker tonight. Being a new mom, I love listening to people who are very knowledgeable when it comes to children and their behaviors. I was taking lots of notes to what Wendy was saying. It was very interesting to hear her say that human development begins the first seven years. Information about the 12 senses were also very informative. I was so intrigued by her that I asked for her e-mail address and want to sign my son up for her classes.
10/12/05 Sem B Lounge 2nd meeting w/Lunar New Year group. Almost everyone in the group seemed a little confused about what we're suppose to do. We know this will be a huge event. I'm proud to be in this project group. Everyone in the group seems to be very friendly. I just need a little more clarification on what our group is suppose to be resposible for. Having to come up w/over $7000 for this event is a little overwhelming.
10/15/05 Mt. Rainier This was my first trip back to Mt. Rainier in over 10 years. Everything looked so different from the last time I was there. It was so beautiful up there. I wish we had more time to spend up in the mountaing. It would have been nice to hike further up the mountain. I just love being up here. The rain and cold didn't bother me at all.
10/30/05 Lab 1 This was my first day with the children @ the TESC Outreach Program. Wow! The kids in this class are so much fun and very smart. Some were dressed in costumes today because it was the day before Halloween. The kids decorated pumpkins and listened to stories about the Day of the Dead celebration. We went on a nature walk and several of the kids were jumping on a pile of was hilareous. We saw a chipmunk running up a tree. We came back and the kids made clay pots for their plant that they're going to plant next week. All of them seem to be having a good time and it was fun watching them and listening to them.
11/05/05 Rochester What a fun trip! Jean and I went to Rochester to her friend's garden to find some Echinacea for our plant study. When we first got to her friend's house, 3 big dogs ran up to us and started barking. I'm such an animal lover....I told them that we were here to find a plant in the garden and that we're really nice people. = ) I let them smell my hands and I started to pet them and they were fine after that. They were such cute doggies. Jean and I entered the "Goddess Garden". We had to be very respectful to the garden. Her friend was so nice to label the Echinacea plant for us. Jean took the shovel and dugged up the plant. I was busy petting one of the dogs that followed us. We then said "Thank you Garden for allowing us to come into the Garden to harvest this plant". Jean then sprinkled lavendar/white sage/tobacco as an offering of thanks and giving something back for what we've taken.
11/13/05 TESC Took the kids of the TESC Outreach Program to the Painted Word Workshop. I volunteered to work with Christian since he was the youngest in the group. It was amazing to watch him paint and drew the different pictures. I really enjoyed watching him paint his A-B-Cs and how he had to re-read the entire alphabet everytime he painted a new letter. It was wonderful!


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