Published on Visualizing Ecology (http://www2.evergreen.edu/visecowinter)

Week 8 Photography Assignment

By harrisol
Created 2007-02-26 19:49
Visualizing Ecology
Week 8:  Photography
Due Week 9 by Friday 9 am

Technical Assignment

In preparation for your portrait assignment below, take 10 photographs of the same subject in which you vary the composition, lighting, flash, and exposure.  Print these out in black and white in the computer center on cheap paper.  Small sizes are fine.  Label each photograph to indicate what you varied.  Take your best photograph and use the features we learned in Photoshop explore different types of changes in the photograph.  Print the results of three changes on cheap paper.

Expressive Assignment

In this program, we have been exploring our ethical relationships with other species of plants and animals.  As a human being you have ethical standing. We are wondering how you think this ethical standing extends from you to other species.  For example in Pollan’s chapter, “The Ethics of Eating Animals” Pollan discusses Pete Singer’s point that we should not eat sentient beings.  Aldo Leopold in A Sand County Almanac writes about a land ethic.  Your assignment this week is to make a self-portrait or a portrait of another person that expresses the subject’s personal ethics regarding the treatment of non-human organisms.

Turn in two versions of this photograph.  One should be the photograph as shot.  The second should be the image you improved in Photoshop.  Print each image on good paper in the Digital Imaging Studio.  Both images should be at least 8 x 10”.

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