Published on Visualizing Ecology (http://www2.evergreen.edu/visecowinter)

Week I Photography Assignment

By harrisol
Created 2007-01-16 13:07
Visualizing Ecology
Winter 2007
Week 1 Photography Assignment  
Due Week Two (Friday)
Please deposit in the Folder by Thursday at 5pm

Technical Assignment:

In your sketchbook, make a drawing of your digital camera showing the significant features that you can manipulate.  Explain what the feature does and how you could use it for its intended or unintended purposes.  Include the significant dials and screens if any.

Expressive Assignment:

This week in studying Natural Theology we have been introduced to several important concepts.  For example, Kevin lectured about the concept of Monotheism.   Wendell Berry wrote about the dualism of body and soul versus the unity of body and soul.   Donald Worster, in Nature’s Economy defines Animism, Arcadianism, Imperialism, Organicism and Mechanism (see page 471-2).  Choose two concepts that seem to be in contrast.  For each, make a photograph that symbolizes that concept.  You could find in nature or ‘construct’ an abstraction that uses shape, color, texture, line, value contrast and pattern to express your idea.  Consider different ways in which to express the attributes of your idea.  For example, does it have inward or outward energy?  Is it self-contained? Is it rigid or fluid?  Is it autonomous or interlocking? Would it be best expressed by photographing objects with curves or sharp edges?  What colors could express the idea?  

Place copies of your photographs in MASU – Programs – Visualizing Ecology.  In the workspace folder, you will find a folder labeled “A Photography Critique 1.”  Place your photos here using the following naming convention:  LastNameFirstInitial_1A  and LastNameFirstInitial_1B.  For example, HarrisonL_1A.

You may store all of your photos on line in MASU – Students.  In there you will find a folder with your logon name in it.  The photos will remain on-line for the remainder of the academic year.

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