Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Daniel Barash

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'Cackling Strange Pool' was inspired by scene after a jog, where I began to meditate on the 'gully' that is created when rain drips from the roof, into the gutter.

'Me, Micaela, and the Dog' was formed from notes taken of a beach day with several friends.

Technical Research Paper

Thatch Ants: Territoriality of a Formica Species in relation to Neighborhood and Thatch Mound Size


Cackling Strange Pool

Me, Micalea, and the Dog

E-mail Daniel
Daniel Barash grew up in St. Louis, Missouri where his writing career began admist a blaze of sub-conscious pouring onto a blacklit page. He, then, went to a small liberal arts school in Baltimore, Goucher College, where his writing began to tidy up, despite his madness, in a rich short story writing class.

Recently, he moved to the Northwest to attend The Evergreen State College, where his deep engagement with
the Awareness and Writing on the Wildside programs, have really pushed his envelope. He now has a bigger envelope, more delicious stamps and better writing.