Fall quarter

Instructor: Zenaida Vergara an Adjunct Member of the Faculty and Media Technician 867-5277
Description: This is the first of a three-quarter sequence in which students are introduced to the subject of audio production and its relation to modern media. Fall quarter will focus on analog mixers and analog tape recording with some work in digital editing. The main topics will include field recording, digital audio editing, microphone design and application, analog multi-track recording and audio console signal flow. Students will have weekly reading assignments and weekly lab times. Students will gain proficiency in campus labs and there will be consulting times outside of class in lab use. Students will complete various exercises and a final project that will be a mix of a multi-track recording.
Credit: 4 credit hours; Required Textbook: Modern Recording Techniques sixth ed. Huber and Runstein
Hours: The Audio Recording course represents 4 hours of in class instruction per week. Students should plan on 6 - 8 hours outside class for reading, lab, exercises and completing audio related projects.
Supplies: DVD-R’s CD-R’s or portable hard drives, 1 reel of 1/2" RMG 900 audio tape.

Wednesdays 6pm-10pm, lectures in L1540 and labs in COM 110

Oct 1 Week 1 TOPIC: Introductions, Basics of sound, Field Recording.
ASSIGN: Field recording with Media Loan equipment, read; Ch. 1 Introduction, Ch. 2
Sound and Hearing. Bring sound files to next class for editing.

OCT 8 Week 2 Meet in MML Lib 1404
TOPIC: Playback recordings. Berhinger 1204 signal flow. Peak and Mixing Bench intro.
ASSIGN: Edit recording in Peak. Save to CD-R, read : Ch. 11 Audio
Production Console.

OCT 15 Week 3 TOPIC: Multi-track Audio Console signal flow, Analog tape recorders.

8 track group practice sessions. ASSIGN: Com 8-Track signal tracing, read; Ch. 5 Analog Tape Recorder

OCT 22 Week 4 TOPIC: Guest Lecturer, Don Johnson . ASSIGN: Sign up for Com 8-Track practice or proficiency, read; Ch. 4 Microphone Design
and Application, Ch. 6 Digital Audio Technology

OCT 29 Week 5 TOPIC: Playback Week 5 projects. Microphone Design and Types, Digital Audio Recorders
ASSIGN: Sign up for Com 8-Track proficiency, read; Ch. 18 Studio Session and

NOV 5 Week 6 TOPIC: Microphone Applications and Stereo Recording Techniques.
ASSIGN: Start Multi-track recording projects, read; Ch. 12 Signal Processors.

NOV 12 Week 7 TOPIC: Compression and Equalizations.
ASSIGN: Continue Multi-track recording projects.

NOV 19 Week 8 TOPIC: In class recording.
ASSIGN: Continue Multi-track projects.


DEC 3 Week 9 TOPIC: Peak Playlists and plugins, Mixing.
ASSIGN: Finish Multi-track projects.

DEC 10 Week 10 DUE: Multi-track recording project mix and Final Test.

Credit and evaluation: Students need to complete the week 5 and week 10 recording assignments. Noncompletion of either assignment will result in loss of credit. Students also need to complete the smaller assignments, maintain a journal of their studio sessions and attend class on time.
Student evaluations will be based on the recording assignments , class participation and attendance.
Formal or informal faculty evals can be turned in before or after I write your eval. They will be used in my faculty evaluation by the Dean.
Students need to: Attend class on time and notify me of necessary absences.
Complete assignments and readings.
Follow the Social Contract and be nice to people.
Be nice to Media Loan and Com Building staff. Report issues to me or a staff person.
Be accountable.
Lab use is for academic use only.
Sign the log books and report problems.
The class phone / email list is for class use only. Do not give out info to others.
Follow lab use guidelines and Com Building Late-Night Access policies.
Including: No food or drinks in the studios, No alcohol or drugs in the buildings.
Return keys and Media Loan equipment on time with $10 day late fees.
Only use your scheduled time.
Do not let anyone into a building or studio with your ML keys.
Faculty need to: Be prepared, bring cookies, and start class on time.
Write timely evals.

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