Day of Absence is Friday of this week and Day of Presence is next week.  Please look at these two links to choose your events:

Tuesday, April 20Wednesday, April 21Thursday, April 22Friday, April 23Saturday, April 24
Beginning our conversation on Privilege, Power and Difference.
-A community simulation
-Preparation and practice for the Procession

DUE: Read David Diamond pgs. 131-164 AND pgs. 203-223
Presentation with Dr. Jacobson MEET AT PROCESSION STUDIO AT 9:30!!

Day of Absence. Please look at links above.

Required: Attend a MINIMUM of one experience during Day of Absence OR Presence in addition to class meetings AND UNTOLD STORIES on Wed. night week 5. We encourage you to attend more.

Write a 1-2 page reflection on your experience, integrated with theories we have been studying about privilege, power, and difference (citations!). Due date TBA.
Procession of the Species!!! Starts at 4:30. We will meet at 3:45.
Seminar: Alan Johnson - read first 1/2 (Introduction through page 75) AND poetry packet pages 49-59.

DUE: i) a statement of the main ideas of this section of the book, ii) your response to the reading(s) (such as what surprised you, what you think we should discuss in seminar, what you had difficulty accepting), iv) connections between any of the poems and themes in the book (use citations iv) three REAL questions for seminar discussion which are tied to the reading(s). Be sure to cite authors and page numbers be specific about which parts of the text are motivating your questions.
Finish Johnson

DUE: Seminar ticket under downloadable files - called "Privilege, Power and Difference"

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