Texts Used

Banks, Jack.  Video in the Machine: The Incoporation of Music Video into the Recording Industry. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

This paper is a discussion of the implementation and process of videos in accordance with labels.  Just a very general analysis of the many aspects and the attitudes towards it during it’s starting period.

Chion, Michel. Audio-Vision. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994

This book was really informative almost in a philosophical sense towards ideas of image and audio.  A lot of it was in a very general sense so not a huge amount had to do with music but it was still very interesting to read through.

Frith, Simon.  Look! Hear! The Uneasy Relationship of Music and Television. Cambridge Univerity Press, 2002.

This article is almost cynical in it’s attack on the industry being totally reliant on television, it was a perspective I hadn’t even considered and formed a foundation for my argument of my paper.

Kinder, Marsha.  Music Video and the Spectator: Television, Ideology and Dream. University of California Press, 1984.

I mainly used this for it’s discussion of thriller but the article itself speculated on the effects of music videos and their audience to the experience of it all, going into dream narratives and other concepts a bit.

Spigel, Lynn.  TV By Design. University of Chicago, 2008.

Lynn’s book was used for my basis of the beginning of experimentation with Ernie Kovacs and Duke Ellington.  Her focus of aesthetic change felt like a recurring theme I wanted to examine.

Wragg, David.  ‘Or Any Art At All?’: Frank Zappa Meets Critical Theory. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Analysis of modern society through the eyes of Frank Zappa.

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