Tag Archives: oscars

Week 8 Obsessions: the Oscars

Tumblr right now is mess of Oscars posts. I think this might be the first time I’ve ever really paid attention to award shows and that’s mostly because I was taking advantage of having no reading last night [Sunday] while people were live blogging about what was going on.  Bu the main reason I’ve chosen the influence of Oscars over Tumblr as opposed to the small number of other blogs not posting about Sunday’s festivities is because of one pretty giant thing…

The major lack of Asian American winners. As in like, none.

Now, I would argue that film is a pretty big part of American pop culture. I’d also argue that celebrities and their lifestyles play a role too (pun intended). So, when “no acting Oscar has gone to a Latin@, Asian American, or Native Nation person in a decade” I’d call that a pretty MAJOR erasure from pop culture representation. It also plants the seed that there are no award-worthy actors/actresses who are Latin@, Asian American, and/or Native Nation.

And while this post does not name an Asian Americans I think it definitely contributes to a part of our modern day culture that needs to be addressed. But, as to not leave it on a completely terrible note:

Here is an article on “The Changing Color of the Oscars: ’12 Years A Slave’ Makes History“.
And here is an article on director Alfonso Cuaron as First Latino to win Best Director.