Tag Archives: photography

Yijun Liao: Experimental Relationship

Experimental Relationship (2007 to now)

“As a woman brought up in China, I used to think I could only love someone who is older and more mature than me, who can be my protector and mentor. Then I met my current boyfriend, Moro, who is 5 years younger than me, I felt that whole concept of relationships changed, all the way around. I became the person who has more authority and power. One of my male friends even questioned how I could choose a boyfriend the way a man would choose a girlfriend. And I thought, “Damn right. That’s exactly what I’m doing, and why not!
I started exploring the alternative possibilities of man and woman relationship, these photos question what is the norm of a heterosexual relationships, what will happen if man and woman exchange their roles of sex and roles of power. And partly because my boyfriend is Japanese, and I am Chinese, this project also describes a love and hate relationship.”

A few articles were floating around my facebook feed yesterday about Yijun Liao. A photographer whoss project, Experimental Relationship has recently gained popularity. Here’s a couple images:
