Native American
and World
Indigenous Peoples Studies
2001 - 2002 |
Native American and World Indigenous
Peoples Studies (NAWIPS) offers a variety of opportunities
for academic work.
The area programs focus on the indigenous peoples of the
Pacific Northwest, the Americas and the world. The college
offers these educational opportunities through campus
programs and the reservation-based program that targets
community building through designing a curriculum that
responds to the educational goals of the Indian nations
they serve. |
Welcoming the Unknown
Fall, Winter, Spring/Coordinated Study
Faculty: Kristina Ackley, Raul Nakasone(F), Corky Clairmont(W)
Enrollment: 48
Prerequisites: None. This all-level program will offer
appropriate support for sophomores or above ready to
do advanced work.
Faculty Signature: Kristina will require a signature
for spring quarter. The students must submit
independent project prosposal to Kristina. Faculty interview
Special Expenses: Approximately $100 per quarter for
field trip expenses.
Internship Possibilities: Yes
Travel Component: None
This program is a part of the Native American and World
Indigenous Studies area. While the program will not
be a study specifically of Native Americans we will
explore Native American historical perspectives and
will look at issues that are particularly relevant to
Native Americans. We will concentrate our work in cultural
studies, human resource development and cross-cultural
communication. The program will examine what it means
to live in a pluralistic society at the beginning of
the 21st century. We will look at a variety of cultural
and historical perspectives and use them to help us
address the program theme. We will also pay special
attention to the value of human relationships to the
land, to work, to others and to the unknown.
We will ask students to take a very personal stake in
their educational development throughout the year. Within
the program's themes and subjects students will pay
special attention to how they plan to learn, what individual
and group work they want to do and how they plan on
doing it, and what difference the work will make in
their lives. Students will be encouraged to assume responsibility
for their choices. The faculty and students will work
to develop habits of healthy community interaction in
the context of the education process.
- Credit awarded in Native American history, cultural
studies, philosophy, and content areas dependant on
student's individual project work.
- Total: 16 credits each quarter.
- Program is preparatory for careers and future studies
in education, the arts, anthropology, multicultural
studies, tribal government and Native American studies.
- This program is also listed in First-Year Programs,
Culture, Text and Language and Social Science.
Tribal: Reservation-
Fall, Winter, Spring/Coordinated Study
Faculty: Yvonne Peterson, Gary Peterson, Michelle Aguilar-Wells,
Jeff Antonelis-Lapp
Enrollment: 60
Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, transfer students
Faculty Signature: Yes. For information consult the
coordinator, Yvonne Peterson, The Evergreen State College,
Lab I, Olympia, WA 98505, (360) 867-6485.
Special Expenses: Expenses related to at least two visits
to the Olympia campus each quarter and two visits to
the various Reservation sites.
Internship Possibilities: No
Travel Component: Four weekend visits to the campus
or Reservation site each quarter.
This community-based and community-determined program
seeks tribal members and other students who work or
live on a reservation.
The program emphasizes community-building within the
Native American communities. Classes are held in computer,
writing and research skills and critical thinking. Students
and tribal officials design the curriculum by asking
what an educated member of an Indian nation needs to
know to contribute to the community. The interdisciplinary
approach allows students to participate in seminars
while also studying in their individual academic interest
Curriculum development for the academic year begins
with community involvement the previous spring. Students
and tribal representatives identify educational goals
and curriculum topics. A primary goal of this process
is the development of students' ability to be effective
inside and outside the Native community. Using suggestions
received, the faculty develop an interdisciplinary curriculum
and texts, methods and resources to assist the learning
process. Students make the learning appropriate to their
Within the framework of the identified curriculum, the
premise is that an "educated person" needs to have skills
in research, analysis and communication. Material is
taught using a tribal perspective and issues related
to tribal communities are often the topics of discussion.
Scholarship and critical thinking skills are assessed
as part of student evaluations.
This program is primarily designed for upper-division
students seeking a liberal arts degree. Program themes
change yearly on a rotating basis. The theme for 2001-02
is Healthy Communities. Natural resources is integrated
into the program each year.
- Credit awarded will depend upon topics adopted in
the program.
- Total: 16 credits each quarter. Students may enroll
in a four-credit course each quarter with faculty
- Program is preparatory for careers and future studies
in human services, tribal government and management,
natural resources, community development, Native American
studies and cultural studies.
Beginning Spring Quarter |
Cultural Resource
Management: Scope and Promise
Spring/Group Contract
Faculty: Llyn DeDanaan
Enrollment: 40 undergraduate students; 10 graduate students
Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, transfer students
welcome; graduate standing for graduate credit.
Faculty Signature: No
Special Expenses: No
Internship Possibilities: No
Cultural resource management, as a field of study, calls
upon knowledge of federal and state law, archeology,
conservation, anthropology, curation, oral history,
preservation and museology. We will spend 10-weeks surveying
treaties, legal issues, case studies and current controversies
that impact sacred sites, sacred places and the gathering
of plant resources. We will study the National Historic
Preservation Act as amended, the American Indian Religious
Freedom Act of 1978, and The Native American Cultural
Protection and Free Exercise of Religion Act of 1994,
as well as study model programs and government-to-government
collaboration in management. Our work will incorporate
issues of treatment of cultural resources including
storage, preservation, interpretation and theory in
modern museology. We will interrogate the role of anthropology
and archaeology as well as the role of National Parks
Service and National Forest Service in the development
and definition of the field of cultural resource management.
Students can expect library research projects and weekly
written assignments. Tentative book list includes: Sacred
Sites, Sacred Rites by Andrea Lee Smith; Guidelines
for Evaluating and Documenting Traditional Cultural
Properties; Texts of United States Cultural Protection
Legislation (including Native American Grave Protection
and Repatriation Act and Executive Order 13007 concerning
the protection and preservation of Indian religious
practices); and Cultural Resources Archaeology: An Introduction;
An abridged student edition of Practicing Archaeology.
Seminar books may include: Indians, Fire and the Land
in the Pacific Northwest ed. Robert Boyd; Religious
Freedom and Indian Rights: The Case of Oregon v. Smith
by Carolyn Long; and Native American Spirituality: A
Critical Reader, ed. Lee Irwin.
Total: 8 credits for undergraduate students; 4 credits
for graduate students.
This program is also listed in Social Science. |
Native American and World Indigenous Peoples Studies 2001 - 2002 |