2010-11 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

Action Research 2: Data Collection and Analysis of Student Learning - ELL

Fall quarter

Faculty: Grace Huerta education, policy studies

Fall: CRN (Credit) Level 10498 (4 GR)  Conditions Students must be formally accepted into the Master of Education Program  

Credits: 4(F)

Class Standing: Graduate

Offered During: Evening


M.Ed. candidates will conduct action research studies through collecting, interpreting, and acting on data and reporting their findings. The class will also include writing the third chapter of the research paper.  Skills to be developed include:  collection and analysis of data, assessment of teaching strategies implemented based on data analysis, revision of strategies based on data analysis, communication strategies, how to write a research paper, and collaboration with colleagues.

Maximum Enrollment: 20

Preparatory for studies or careers in: Teaching, curriculum development, further graduate studies

Campus Location: Olympia

Online Learning: Enhanced Online Learning

Books: www.tescbookstore.com