2010-11 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

GIS and Spatial Analysis

Fall quarter

Faculty: Gregory Stewart

Fall: CRN (Credit) Level 10322 (4 GR)  

Credits: 4(F)

Class Standing: Graduate

Offered During: Evening


In this course, we will focus on creating and analyzing spatially-referenced data using ArcGIS. Instruction will be offered through a combination of lecture and lab. Weekly lab assignments are likely to require to use of computing facilities outside of class. By the end of the term, students will have identified and completed a geo-spatial analysis project, which they will present to the class. Students should be well-versed in Microsoft Windows file management, but the course requires no previous experience with ArcGIS.

Maximum Enrollment: 18

Advertised Schedule: 6-10p Mon

Undergraduate Credit Option: Requires Faculty Approval

Campus Location: Olympia

Online Learning: Enhanced Online Learning

Books: www.tescbookstore.com