2010-11 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

Globalization and Public Administration

Winter quarter

Faculty: Laurance Geri public administration

Winter: CRN (Credit) Level 20286 (4 GR)  

Credits: 4(W)

Class Standing: Graduate

Offered During: Weekend


This course explores the implications of globalization for public administration in the United States and other countries.  We will first explore the vast changes that are occurring around the world, and discuss the economic, political, cultural, environmental and criminal aspects in an attempt to define globalization and determine what is bringing it about.  With that context, we can ask, what does this mean for governance, within and between countries?  How have opinions of the US changed, and what does that mean for foreign policy and international relations?  Has globalization changed the way countries govern themselves, and the policy and administrative options available to them?  The major assignment will be a comparative analysis of a policy or administrative issue in two or more countries.

Texts.  Books.  Available through the TESC bookstore or online.

Held, David and Anthony McGrew (2007). Globalization/Anti-Globalization: Beyond the Great Divide (Paperback).  New York: Polity Press.  ISBN-10: 0745639119  ISBN-13: 978-0745639116

Hofstede, Geert (2010).  Cultures and Organizations: Software for the Mind. New York: McGraw-Hill.  ISBN:  0071664181

Pollitt, Christopher and Geert Bouckaert (2004). Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis 2nd Edition. (Paperback).  New York: Oxford U. Press, USA. ISBN-10: 0199268495; ISBN-13: 978-0199268498

 Zakeria, Fareed (2009).  The Post-American World.  (paperback) New York: WW Norton, ISBN: 0393334805.


National Intelligence Council (2008). Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World.  Washington, D.C.: NIC.  Available on course Moodle site or at: http://www.dni.gov/nic/NIC_2025_project.html

Huntington,   Samuel P. (1993) " The Clash of Civilizations?"  Foreign Affairs, Summer.   Available on course Moodle site or at: http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf.

World Development Report 2009, Overview.  Available on course Moodle site, or at: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTWDR2009/Resources/4231006-1225840759068/WDR09_01_Overviewweb.pdf

Berger, Suzanne (2000). "Globalization and Politics," Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 3. (will be available on the course Moodle site).

Other articles, TBD.

Maximum Enrollment: 20

Advertised Schedule: 9a-5p Sat/Sun (Jan 15-16; Mar 5-6) 9a-5p Sat (Feb 5)

Campus Location: Olympia

Online Learning: Enhanced Online Learning

Books: www.tescbookstore.com