2010-11 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

The Evergreen Singers

Winter quarter

Faculty: Marla Elliott performance, voice, community studies

Fields of Study: music

Winter: CRN (Credit) Level 20097 (2)  

Credits: 2(W)

Class Standing: Freshmen - Senior

Offered During: Evening


The Evergreen Singers is a continuing choral ensemble of The Evergreen State College community. No auditions are required. We will learn the basics of good voice production, and rehearse and perform songs from a range of musical idioms. Members of the Evergreen Singers need to be able to carry a tune, learn their parts, and sing their parts with their section. This class requires excellent attendance and basic musicianship skills.  In winter quarter, we will learn shape-note singing, an American folk choral tradition.

Maximum Enrollment: 50

Advertised Schedule: 6-8p Thu as well as events on Sunday Mar. 6 and a field trip to Seattle either Saturday Feb. 19 or Sunday Feb. 20 (student choice)

Required Fees: $10 for workbook, audio CD, and event expenses

Campus Location: Olympia

Online Learning: Enhanced Online Learning

Books: www.tescbookstore.com

Program Revisions

Date Revision
December 8th, 2010 Schedule change from Sat March 5 to Sun March 6, 2011