2010-11 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

The Resiliency Advantage

Summer quarter

Faculty: Dariush Khaleghi HR Management, Leadership, Psychology

Fields of Study: business and management

Summer: CRN (Credit) Level 40114 (4) First Session  

Credits: 4(Su)

Class Standing: Freshmen - Senior

Offered During: Evening and Weekend


We live and work in an age of accelerated change. Individuals, organizations, and leaders are challenged by unprecedented complexities and mounting strains that threaten their existence and survival. Resiliency helps individuals and organizations thrive and bounce back when faced with change, adversity, and misfortune. In this course, students will study characteristics and attributes of resilient individuals and organizations and learn how to thrive and succeed in the 21st Century.

Maximum Enrollment: 25

Advertised Schedule: 6-10p Fri, 9a-5p Sat (Jun. 24-26, Jul. 8-10)

Preparatory for studies or careers in: business management, leadership

Campus Location: Olympia

Online Learning: No Required Online Learning

Books: www.tescbookstore.com

Program Revisions

Date Revision
April 26th, 2011 Schedule changed to intensive weekend rather than only Saturdays.