2012-13 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

The Graphic Novel

Spring 2013 quarter

Steve Blakeslee English, writing, literature
Fields of Study
literature and visual arts

Over the past 30 years, the graphic novel has won numerous readers with its bold topics, innovative forms, and vivid artwork. We will explore the origins, development, and unique workings of sequential narratives, from the socially conscious woodcut novels of the 1930s (e.g., Lynd Ward’s Gods’ Man) to the mid-century adventures of Hergé’s Tintin to the bizarre but compelling world of Jim Woodring’s Frank. Our overall goal is to develop an informed and critical perspective on the comics medium.

Advertised Schedule
5:30-9:30p Thu
Online Learning
No Required Online Learning
Greener Store
Offered During