Conserving and Restoring Biodiversity

Fall 2013 quarter

Taught by

This course focuses on the biology that underlies conservation and restoration issues around the world. There are many ways to approach the study of conservation and restorationbiology and I will mostly emphasize the scientific elements of these disciplines. I also will provide you with a practitioner's perspective of the relationship of biology and policy from work done in Washington State. This course will introduce you to the literature, controversies, and promising methodologies for a variety of conservation/restoration biology applications. In addition, I will invite a number of local experts to come and provide perspectives on their work in applied fields of conservation. We will read, discuss, and write on a variety of topics. Your assignments include written and oral exercises, and peer evaluations aimed at helping you develop your ideas and increas your ability to communicate those ideas. I want to introduce you to the principal concepts and methodologies of conservation and restoration biology, enrich your understanding of the scientific contributions necessary for solving conservation problems, foster your understanding of the scientific process in general and as applied in conservation settings, and further your powers of analysis and ability to communicate effectively.

Faculty Biography:

Timothy Quinn, Ph.D., has served as chief scientist of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s habitat program since 1999. Quinn recently served on the Science Working Group that came up with scientific underpinnings and a technical framework for the development of the Puget Sound Partnership.  Timothy has a B.S. in Biology from Western Washington University (1979), an M.S. in Physiological Ecology of Marine Fish from Western Washington University (1987), and a Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology from University of Washington, 1993.

Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Evening

Advertised schedule: 6-10p Wed


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Online Learning

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Undergraduate Credit Option

Requires Faculty Approval

Registration Information

Credits: 4 (Fall)

Class standing: Graduate

Maximum enrollment: 15


Course Reference Number

(4 GR credits): 10208

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