"Lean" in the Public Sector
Winter 2014 quarter
Taught by
Larisa Benson was the front person for former Washington State Governor Gregoire's GMAP (Government Management Accountability Performance) initiative. GMAP helped Washington State (the first in the nation to adopt these data management models) agencies measure and improve their performance. GMAP morphed to Lean; Lean is a key element of Governor Inslee's "Results Washington." As the Results Washington websites says, "Lean provides proven principles that help Washington state government create a culture that encourages respect, creativity and innovative problem solving, continuously improves and eliminates waste from government processes, aligns efforts across state agencies and delivers results that matter to Washingtonians." This one weekend intensive short course will leave students saturated with Lean, and with some tools to immediately start using Lean concepts in government, tribal, and nonprofit organizations.
Location and Schedule
Campus location
Offered during: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule: Feb 21-23, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun