Bella Bella or Bust - 2014


Fall 2013, Winter 2014 and Spring 2014 quarters

Taught by

education, Native American studies, political science
public administration, Native American studies, art
social work

How does a group of indigenous people from different countries: (1) create an activity to reclaim ancient knowledge? (2) develop communication strategies in the 21 st century to build a foundation to support gatherings numbering in the thousands? (3) relate tribal governance/rights to state agreements and understandings? (4) appraise economic impacts on local/regional economies when a Tribe hosts a canoe journey destination? and, (5) how does one move to allyship with indigenous people and begin preparation for the historic journey from coastal villages of Northwest Washington to Bella Bella in British Columbia, Canada?

Evergreen has a history of providing community service coordinated with the Center for Community-Based Learning and Action (CCBLA) to Tribes during the canoe journeys. This program expands the venture by researching the canoe journey movement, understanding Treaty rights and sovereignty, economic justice, cultural preservation, and the social economic, political and cultural issues for present day Tribes participating in the 2014 canoe journey to Bella Bella. As a learning community, we’ll pose essential questions and research the contemporary phenomenon of the tribal canoe journeys to get acquainted with Tribes and Canoe Families and the historic cultural protocol to understand Native cultural revitalization in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia.

Upper-division students will have the option to engage in service learning volunteer projects and program internships during winter and spring quarters. All students will participate in orientation(s) to the program theme and issues, historic and political frameworks, and work respectfully with communities and organizations. Participation in this program means practicing accountability to the learning community and to other communities, interacting as a respectful guest with other cultures, and engaging in constant communication with co-learners.

Fields of Study

Preparatory for studies or careers in

education (including early childhood education), social work, cultural studies, community-based non-profit agencies, the arts, human services, and counseling.

Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Day and Weekend


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Online Learning

No Required Online Learning

More information about online learning.

Required Fees

$75 per quarter for materials for cultural art products which will be retained by students after the program.

Internship Possibilities

Students must complete an In-program Internship Learning Contract (designed for this program) in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising.


Date Revision
March 28th, 2013 New offering added.

Registration Information

Credits: 16 (Fall); 16 (Winter); 16 (Spring)

Class standing: Freshmen–Senior; 25% of the seats are reserved for freshmen

Maximum enrollment: 48


Course Reference Numbers

Fr (16 credits): 10204
So - Sr (16 credits): 10207
(1-16 credits): 10377

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Accepting New Students

Course Reference Numbers

Fr (16 credits): 20185
So - Sr (16 credits): 20186
(1-16 credits): 20354

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Accepting New Students

Course Reference Numbers

Fr (16 credits): 30166
So - Sr (16 credits): 30167
(1-16 credits): 30277

Go to to register for this program.

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