Developing Management Skills

Summer 2014 quarter

Taught by

This weekend-intensive program is designed for students who either are, or plan to be, in the position of managing their own work groups, heading up large companies, starting businesses that change society, managing the world's most important non-profits, or serving in government. The program will introduce basic language, concepts, tools, and problem-framing methodologies that are needed to develop management skills. We will focus on a variety of themes from motivating others, team-building, developing self-awareness, and communicating supportively to leadership, decision-making, understanding power and influence, and solving problems creatively.

Fields of Study

Preparatory for studies or careers in

Management, Leadership, Small Business Entrepreneurship, Human and Organizational  Development
Academic Website

Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Weekend

Advertised schedule: First Summer Session. This program will meet two week-ends, June 27-29 and July 5-6, take a week-end off for reading and finish the last two week-ends of the session, July 18-20 and July 25-27.  Fridays 6-10pm, Saturday and Sunday 9-5.


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Online Learning

Enhanced Online Learning

More information about online learning.

Schedule Details

First Summer Session. This program will meet two week-ends, June 27-29 and July 5-6, take a week-end off for reading and finish the last two week-ends of the session, July 18-20 and July 25-27.  Please note:  if it appears this program would be better received if we offered it two nights/week for the full session, I am open to that as well.  It is not clear to me, from my vantage point, what students would prefer.

Required Fees

$15 expected expense for Challenge Course

Registration Information

Credits: 8 (Summer)

Class standing: Freshmen–Senior

Maximum enrollment: 25


Course Reference Number

First Session (8 credits): 40037

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