Ecology of Flight

Summer 2014 quarter

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Flight is one of the most fascinating phenomena in nature.  It has evolved independently numerous times across several groups of animals.  This program will investigate the evolution of flight and its ecological consequences.  We will gain experience with standard methods for studying flying animals as we conduct biodiversity surveys at several field sites in the Olympia area.  During the course of this program, we will learn key biological, ecological, and conservation concepts relating to flying organisms as well as field, analytical, and laboratory methods associated with the study of biodiversity.  As a group, we will produce comprehensive inventories for key taxa (birds, dragonflies, and butterflies) at ecologically  important field sites. This is a field-intensive program, and students an expect to spend time in the field Tuesdays-Thursdays. Early morning work will occur 1-2 mornings per week, starting as early as dawn (ca. 5:15 a.m.)

Fields of Study

Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Day

Advertised schedule: Mondays and Thursdays, 1-4pm; Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 9am-12pm and 1-4pm


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Online Learning

Hybrid Online Learning < 25% Delivered Online

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Schedule Details

On Thursdays, we may also conduct field work in the mornings (9-12).  Locations of Thursday field work TBA.

Off Campus Location

We will go on day trips TBA.  Each trip, we will depart from a specified campus location at ca. 9 am.

Registration Information

Credits: 8 (Summer)

Class standing: Freshmen–Senior

Maximum enrollment: 12


Course Reference Number

First Session (8 credits): 40042

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