Photography, Color and Lighting
Winter 2014 quarter
Taught by
Prefer one year of
college level
photography and darkroom experience.
In this course we'll be learning to print from color negatives, work with medium format cameras, photograph with electronic flash, and work in the studio environment. There will be assignments, critiques, and viewing the work of other photographers. All assignments and all work for this class will be in the studio with lighting set-ups. In addition to assignments, each student will be expected to produce a final project of their own choosing and turn in a portfolio at the end of the quarter.
Fields of Study
/* Location & Schedule * Campus * Off Campus Location * Study Abroad * Location Link (which I didn't see in the sample) * Offered during * Advertised Schedule * Additional Schedule Details (ditto) Books Online Learning Fees * Summary * Required Fees * Other Expenses Internships & Research * Internship Required * Internship Possibilities * Research Possibilities Undergraduate Credit Option Graduate Credit Option Upper Division Credit Next Offered Date */ ?>Location and Schedule
Campus location
Offered during: Evening
Advertised schedule: 5-7p Mon/Wed
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The Greener Store.
Online Learning
No Required Online Learning
Special Expenses
$175 for text, film, film processing, and printing paper