Advanced Projects in Music: From Poetry and Montage to Sound


Fall 2014 quarter

Taught by

music composition, performance


Our program is for upper-level students who have had two years of college-level work in dance or in music.  Our class will involve a lot of out-of-class group work in performance.

The creation and the performance of music involves the structuring of time (now this movement, then that sound, but first a grand entrance!), and an aesthetic goal (how does one perform an 'I don't care!' attitude? with what sound can one express hunger?  Does one preclude the other?). In this program, we'll explore the performance of music, as mediated by what one can learn from poetry and theories of film.

We'll read and study the poetry of T.S. Eliot (his Four Quartets ) and Aime Cesaire (a 20 th century Caribbean poet) particularly his Notebook of a Return to the Native Land, and his version of Shakespeare's The Tempest. We will also read and study essays on film composition by Sergei Eisenstein (an early 20 th century Russian filmmaker and theoretician). From the work of these artists, we will create weekly performance assignments. Students, working in small groups will create responses to these assignments, and receive weekly feedback from the class and from the faculty.

The assignments will address issues of montage, aesthetics, sequence, dynamics and other structural considerations. Students will be challenged to create music works starting from the poetry and the structural relations we study. During the final week of the quarter, some of the assignments will be chosen by the class for public performance.

Fields of Study

Preparatory for studies or careers in

The performing arts, music and dance

Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Day

Final Schedule and Room Assignment


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Online Learning

No Required Online Learning

More information about online learning.

Required Fees

$100 per quarter for concert and performance tickets.


Date Revision
July 18th, 2014 Kabby Mitchell will be teaching Student-Originated Studies: Performing Arts. The description has been updated.
June 2nd, 2014 This program now accepts Sophomores.
March 28th, 2014 New opportunity added.

Registration Information

Credits: 16 (Fall)

Class standing: Sophomore–Senior

Maximum enrollment: 25


Course Reference Number

So - Sr (16 credits): 10214

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