Meaning, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Service: Applied Psychology in the Workplace
Winter 2015 and Spring 2015 quarters
Taught by
What is “work”? Why do we work? What are the optimal conditions for self and environment in a thriving work situation? These questions are at the center of our inquiry into human motivation, cognition, emotion, behavior and social behavior surrounding the purpose, values, efficacy, and worth that humans find in work. They involve not only the issues of the individual worker, but the settings and groups in which people work, and the ability to change and adapt to technological advances.
Historically, the need to work was rooted in biological necessity (i.e., the gaining of shelter and food). This has been transformed by cultures into issues involving identity, status, roles, and tasks that make up the categories of jobs, careers, and callings.
In this two-quarter program, we will examine the history of work, the current state of the world of work, and the social science that informs us of the best models of leadership and service, as we seek meaning and satisfaction in our daily lives. Students will explore work as a central source of life meaning as they engage in: 1) self (and other) awareness, assessment, regulation, and personal leadership; 2) building a knowledge base and skill set regarding character development, and social and organizational effectiveness; and 3) understanding and developing proficiency in the pro-social use of social power and social influence principles in becoming effective change agents and leaders for the “common good”. Additionally, students will examine critical topics emerging in the modern workplace (i.e., ethics, organizational justice, workplace psychology, positive and conscious leadership, etc.).
We will use a variety of instructional strategies such as small and large group seminars, lectures, workshops, films, role-playing, field trips, and guest lectures and videoconferences with leaders and scientists. The material covered in this program is relevant to daily living, as well as preparatory for careers and future studies across many disciplines (Psychology and Social Service, Education, Business, Government, Human Resources, Medicine, Corrections, Law, High Tech).
Fields of Study
Preparatory for studies or careers in
Location and Schedule
Campus location
Offered during: Weekend
Advertised schedule: Winter 2015: January 10 &11, 24 & 25; February 7 & 8, 21 & 22; March 7 & 8 Spring 2015: April 4 & 5, 18 & 19; May 2 & 3, 16 & 17; 30 & 31