Room 3232
Ext. 3990
Evergreen is my first full-time experience as a paid, rather than paying, participant in institutionalized education. I'm excited, scared, yet confident. I'm excited about entering another learning experience the magnitude of which is limited only by my own motivations--not those of others. More importantly, I'll be sharing this experience with others undergoing the same expansion. I'm scared because I'm not sure that Evergreen will remain faithful to its dream. Will the distinction between teacher and learner really dissolve? Will learning remain individualized and experiential as the pressures of growth are felt? At the same time I'm confident in my abilities to contribute to the dream. I know that the beauty of my past experiences and the attitude and approach I have in seeking new adventures will stimulate others also.
I am an urban planner by academic education. The vagueness, generality and all-inclusiveness of this discipline has enabled me to participate in a wide spectrum of experiences. I have been a Peace Copps volunteer in Chile and Peru, an advocate land use planner for the Cooper Point Association, a group worker with junior high school age boys and an instructor at the Catholic University of Puerto Rico. I love the mountains and try to spend as much time as possible experiencing them. My adventures have shown me that I adapt easily to the life styles of different cultures. I hope to be able to return to Latin America for extended perieds of time. In the more immediate future, I want to learn more about farming, photography and construction.