Award Types
This page describes the types of awards that the Clean Energy Committee has supported in the past. This list is not meant to be restrictive—if there is something you would like to do that is not on the list, come talk to the Clean Energy Committee about it. The list is meant to help you understand the kinds of projects the CEC has historically supported in order to help you develop your own ideas for an award application.
Some of the examples of elements in previous awardee projects follow.
Interested in having your Research funded? Clean Energy Committee Awards may be used to fund research related to clean energy specifically and sustainability broadly. Have an interest in Solar Power Research? The CEC has previously made awards to ‘Solar Pigment Research’ which examined the ability of paint like materials in producing electricity via solar power. Ever wanted to research the process of generating power with a BioGas Digester? Turns out the Clean Energy Committee has made an award to a BioGas Digester project that is currently being undertaken between the Office of Sustainability and the Organic Farm at TESC. Other research could include such projects as (but in NO WAY limited to);
Hydro Power (previously the CEC has made an award for a micro hydro project)
Wind Power
Hydrogen Power
High Efficiency Electronics
These kinds of projects tend to take longer to accomplish and usually have a long lasting impact on the campus. These types of projects are also meant to reduce resource use or waste on campus, save power/produce power, act as an educational installation, a functional installation, etc. These projects can also range in size from something very small such as a composting bin to something very large such as a Micro Natural Gas Turbine that uses waste heat to warm the Evergreen Pool. These kinds of projects also tend to receive extra scrutiny and must undergo a more rigorous approval process that involves multiple boards.
Composting (CEC has supported various composting projects over the past - some meant to produce heat (then hot water) / others meant to reduce the need to ship in compost from off campus by creating spaces to compost materials on campus
People Power (physically speaking; the CEC has awarded funds to electricity producing exercise bikes in the CRC)
Solar Panels (located near the Evergreen MOD housing)
Aquaponics Lab (located on the Evergreen Organic Farm)
Pizza Oven (to be built at the Evergreen Organic Farm - will use waste wood from campus to cook food)
High Efficiency Dishwasher (the Flaming Eggplant)
High Efficiency Lighting (the Evergreen COM Building Theatre Hall)
Although less frequently awarded; the Clean Energy Committee has made awards for travel. In particular this is usually for a student, or group of students, to attend events or conferences dedicated to sustainability. This awards are more likely to be granted when there is a benefit to the greater Evergreen Community; i.e. student presenting on research or projects directly funded by the Clean Energy Committee, students presenting on sustainability at TESC, students presenting on their academic work at TESC related to sustainability, student group involved in sustainability initiatives on campus sending student or project leaders, students attending conferences directly related to their project type which has been funded by the Clean Energy Committee. These kinds of benefits assist the CEC in making sure that there is good investment returns from it’s awards; it is just not possible for CEC to fund trips for solely personal development. If you do wish to apply for travel funding; make sure that it is clear what the benefit to the greater Evergreen Community would be.
Small-Scale/Short-Term Projects
These kinds of projects can range from temporary to permanent. Some of these will be research types, installations, creation of some kind of product, etc. While a “small scale project” can really be of any type, we felt it important to include a description. Projects which has small budget requests and small scale impacts on the physical aspects of Evergreens campus have a higher likelihood of being funded. The Clean Energy Committee can make a lot of small awards, but only a few large ones. So. If you have an idea and are looking to learn about project development and management, these kinds of projects can be best to plan for. Our award process is not just about long term impact on the campus but also about the long term development of our student body. So if you have a small scale project you’d like to do, come talk to us and we will help you set up your award proposal.
Want to bring a sustainability speaker to campus? Want to throw a conference about sustainability? You can apply for an award to put on an Event at the Evergreen State College. This type of project is pretty straight forward although they often take solid planning skills and a good volunteer team to pull off.
Courses, Classes, and Workshops
Want to host a workshop for people to learn how to install solar panels? Want host a weekend course that teaches people how to convert their diesel cars to veggie oil? The clean energy committee has funded half day workshops, weekend class, and even 2 week courses related to sustainability. Again, these are projects which require lots of planning skills, organization skills, and a volunteer staff to pull off. Also, these types of projects are more likely to be funded if they can have a clear impact on the greater Evergreen Community.
Large-Scale/Long-Term Projects
These kinds of projects usually take longer than 1 year to complete, have very large budgets, or require many forms of stakeholders/multiple forms of approval. These projects are not to be taken lightly; if you wish to pursue a Large scale project you will be required to have a solid project proposal, lots of ducks all in a row, and a demonstrable ability to carry out the type of project you wish to accomplish. These kinds of projects require a lot of time investment on the part of the applicant and will often require persistence and patience to complete. If a student wishes to apply for a Large Scale or Long Term Project it is important for that student to work with the Clean Energy Committee to complete their proposal; any incomplete or inadequate proposals will not be places on Award Meeting Agendas. Please contact the CEC at if you wish to apply for a project like this.