Bilingual Education and Teaching. Fall and Winter Group Contract 1997-98

Faculty: Evelia Romano, SE 3113, ext. # 6434, e-mail: romanoe@elwha.

During fall quarter we will explore several theoretical issues related to, and preparatory for, the study of bilingual education and teaching in the following order: first and second language acquisition, the relationships of language, culture and society, multiculturalism, and a historical introduction to bilingual education and the politics of bilingualism. A three-hour workshop each week will be devoted to the study of second language teaching, with particular consideration of different theories and methodologies. As a group project, students will prepare teaching material for different subjects and levels.

During winter quarter, we will study the historical, political and social connotations of bilingualism, the history of bilingualism in the U.S. up to the present, language policy as it relates to the concept of Nation/State, and the debate of "English only vs. English plus". During the second half of the quarter we will resume our studies of bilingual education focusing on concrete examples of bilingual programs and their implementation. We will visit bilingual classrooms throughout the state and conduct ethnographic observations during field trips. We will continue with the weekly workshops on teaching methodologies emphasizing connections between theory and practice. Students will be introduced to bilingual education in elementary and high schools, program design and assessment. A selection of the most highly motivated students from the fall will have the opportunity to go out into the community (elementary schools, high schools, etc.) in order to acquire practical experience and apply some of the theories discussed in class.

The reading list will include the following titles among others: Life in two languages. An Introduction to Bilingualism by F. Grosjean; Language Diversity, Problem or Resource? by S. McKay and C. Wong; Forked Tongue. The Politics of Bilingual Education by R. P. Porter; Bilingual and ESL Classrooms. Teaching in Multicultural Contexts by C. Ovando and V. Collier;Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. by M. Celce-Murcia; Foreign and Second Language Learning: Language-acquisition Research and Its Implications for the Classroom. by W. Littlewood; Sink or Swim. The Politics of Bilingual Education by C. B. Stein Jr, Language Loyalties. A Source Book on the Official English Controversy ed. by J. Crawford; "Wanted! Linguistic Human Rights" by T. Skutnabb-Kangas and R. Phillipson; Cultural Literacy. What Every American Needs to Know by E. D. Hirsch, Jr.; Empowering Minority Students by J. Cummins; The Inner World of the Immigrant Child by C.Igoa.

This program is aimed at upper level students and will require full- time dedication. Students will have two short response papers and a comprehensive midterm exam each quarter plus a two-quarter research project culminating in an oral presentation.

I will offer an Advanced Spanish module for 4 credits during Fall and Winter quarters. For the module's description and Fall syllabus, please click here.