You will keep a portfolio of your work in this class. I will collect it twice during the course. You will also have members of your group critique your work. You can use a 3 ring binder or a similar folder, but you will need to separate your portfolio into sections. You will need a section for your Chapter Reviews. You will need a section for your Code examples. You will also need a section for the Evaluations. I did not collect the protfolio earlier because many were not up to date. You will need to turn in the following on our last day of class, Dec. 5th.
Chapter Reviews: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
Code: 1. Applet Output (Code and Output screen) 2. Applet Input (Code and Output screen) 3. Km to Miles/Yds/Ft/In (Code and Output screen) 4. Application conversions- Ap In and Km (Code Only) 5. Craps- no methods (Code and Output screen) 6. Craps- with methods 7. Array Applet (found at the end of the Array Lesson) 8. Sort 9. TicTacToe 10. Any Extra problems at the end of the secton
Evaluations: 1. A half page self evaluation 2. A half page course evaluation
Make sure you follow the good style with your code. Check the textbook examples, but look mainly at the list found under Lessons/Document and Debug. Make sure you present an organized, professional, and complete product.