Welcome to the Physical Systems SPRING CONTRACT homepage!
modified 19 March 99

Please check every Friday for updates. Thanks!

Monday Tuesday
Thursday Friday
(1:30-2:30  Zita meets with Physical Systems group contract in Lab I Rm 1050) 1:30-2:30:  Maybe meet Sacred Spaces contract at this time
3:30-5:30  Astronomy  in Lib 1308  
3-5:30: Astronomy  in Lib 1308 
office hours 
1-3:00  Lib 4004 
Astronomy group work
6:30-9:00 Astronomy workshop in CAL 1-3:00  Lib 4004 
Astronomy class governance in 
6:30-9:00 Astronomy  in Lib 1612 
discussion facilitated by student groups
9-11?  Astronomy observe on Library Roof if clear 9-11? Astronomy observe on Library Roof if clear

  • Program descriptions and prerequisites
  • first week and answers to FAQs
  • Spring description and prerequisites
  •  portfolio/eval guide
  • Links, resources,  and astrolinks
  • Texts
  • Program Covenant
  • Web Crossing
  • your Web pages 
  • Overview of the physics:

    Fall: Mechanics and Thermodynamics help us understand Stellar Structure and Evolution

    Winter: Electromagnetic Theory, Modern Physics, and Quantum Mechanics help us understand Stellar Structure and Dynamics

    Spring: We'll study Cosmologies (in conjunction with Astronomy), such as big bang theories, superstrings and D-branes, quantum loop gravity, as well as diverse cosmologies across cultures and throughout history. (Don Middendorf will teach special and general relativity in Energy Systems next year, so we won't do much of that this year.)