Sorting examples, Foundations of Computing, Fall 2000

Brian Harvey, co-author of our textbook Simply Scheme compared several sorting methods in a posting to the Usenet newsgroup. Brian writes:

When I'm teaching data structures, in fact, I go ahead and lecture in Scheme no matter what language the students are using. There is something really appealing about filling four chalkboards with

(define (insertion-sort stuff)
  (if (null? stuff)
      (insert (car stuff)
              (insertion-sort (cdr stuff)))))
(define (selection-sort stuff)
  (if (null? stuff)
      (cons (smallest stuff)
            (selection-sort (remove (smallest stuff) stuff)))))
(define (mergesort stuff)
  (if (< (length stuff) 2)
      (merge (mergesort (one-half stuff))
             (mergesort (other-half stuff)))))
(define (partition-sort stuff)
  (if (< (length stuff) 2)
      (let ((pivot (guess-median stuff)))
        (append (partition-sort (filter (lambda (x) (< x pivot)) stuff))
                (filter (lambda (x) (= x pivot)))
                (partition-sort (filter (lambda (x) (> x pivot)) stuff))))))

Only imagine that the last two are in a column next to the first two. Then I can say "the first column (insertion-sort and selection-sort) takes things one at a time, the second column (mergesort and partition-sort) takes things half at a time. The first row (insertion-sort and mergesort) divides arbitrarily and does the sorting in the recombination; the second row (selection-sort and partition-sort) sorts in the division, then just recombines the results by concatenation."

(Brian Harvey's comments reproduced here with his permission.)

Jon Jacky,