Take the online quiz each Friday, after you have completed the reading and homework and participated in all class activities. OVERVIEW: 1. Register with Kaufmann & Freedman's Universe online. We did this in class week 1. When it asks for your professor's email, type in zita@evergreen.edu. 2. Login to Universe online each Friday. Choose Q/A for this week's chapter. 3. Take the quiz. There is no time limit (though if your session is silent for too long your connection may time out). Use this as a learning opportunity. HINT: when you are asked to calculate numbers, usually an order-of-magnitude estimate will do the trick. You do not need a calculator. Make it easy by using ratios or scientific notation. Use simple relations, e.g. one parsec is about 3 light-years. Do not stress out with overkill precision. When you are done, the online session will tell you what you got right, and will send your results to Zita. |