Brooke Ahnemanne, one of the creators of Tum Tum, explains the work to friends
One of the 6 waterfalls visitors walk past at Tumwater Falls Park. The falls provide a striking soundscape.
The lower lookout at Tumwater Falls Park. The structure you see is a fish catcher, situated downstream from the fish hatchery and fish steps.
Mike O'Hara, a student at Evergreen's Tacoma campus, and Mark Hosler of Negativland fame listen to TumTum
Elisa McGee listens to the opening audio for "Tum Tum". Elisa's Mom Mercy works at Evergreen's payroll office.
Mike and sister Nicole on the bridge at Tumwater Falls Park.
Mike runs the phenomenal Capitol Theatre
in downtown Olympia, Washington.
David Metzler, Jo Curtz, and Thad Curtz relax at Tumwater Falls Park