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Program Covenant


Coordinated studies and the seminar are uniquely social modes of learning, with potential for either reinforcing social inequalities or transforming them, for enabling people to feel confident and assertive, or making them feel inhibited and fearful. In practice, we recognize that a considerable degree of trust is necessary in order for people to exercise their rights to voice opinions and to be as honest as the social contract requires. This covenant is a set of mutual expectations, elaborated over years of teaching and learning at Evergreen, designed to create an environment where people can collaborate to enhance each other’s learning, challenge each other intellectually, and trust each other enough to put the social contract into practice.

Expectations of Students

This is a full-time integrated program. We expect students to register for 16 units of credit each quarter. Students are expected to complete all the assigned work and receive full credit, awarded at the end of each quarter. Partial credit for work partially completed will be awarded in special circumstances (illness, emergencies, etc.) only with the consent of the whole team. This means that students must participate in all aspects of the program, not picking and choosing some elements and ignoring others. Students will be informed about their credit status during the fifth week of each quarter and, of course, at the end of the quarter. Students can enroll in an additional course in the college, if they choose, but it must not interfere with work in this full time program. Students should consult with their seminar leader about their plans for taking courses outside of the program.

You will receive credit if you do satisfactory work and if you adhere to the following expectations:

  • attend all scheduled classes regularly and on time and be well-prepared to begin the work of the class;
  • submit the required writing, typed, double-spaced, on time;
  • maintain an open, inquiring attitude toward the material;
  • practice open, honest, adult communication while respecting other people’s views and backgrounds;
  • let your seminar leader know if you will be unable to attend class;
  • address any grievance directly to the person involved, and if still unresolved, bring it to a meeting first with seminar faculty, then faculty team, if necessary, and/or a mediator agreed upon by both parties;
  • do your own work, and document fully any ideas or material directly used from research conducted;
  • submit a self-evaluation at the end of each quarter and a formal self-evaluation at the end of the program;
  • submit a faculty evaluation at the end of each quarter;
  • attend a scheduled evaluation conference at the end of each quarter;
  • refrain from use of alcohol or other drugs at official program functions;
  • keep the faculty apprised of any problems or difficulties, that is, feel free to seek guidance and help.

Expectations of Faculty

Faculty agree to:

  • Attend all scheduled classes regularly and on time and be fully prepared for seminars, lectures and workshops;
  • Comment on students’ papers and return in a timely manner;
  • Write evaluations of students at the end of each quarter;
  • Hold midquarter conferences and evaluation conferences at the end of each quarter;
  • Participate actively in the planning of the program;
  • Be available to students for help, advice and encouragement.
  • Work collaboratively on the design and teaching of the program;
  • Consult regularly with the students about how the program is going and make adjustments as necessary and prudent;
  • Work closely with the writing tutors and the Core Connector to maximize the quality of the program.

As a group, we all agree to address work and life together with good humor and friendship. Above all, we pledge willing cooperation.

Signed ________________________________

Date __________________________________

Sign and return this copy to your seminar leader.


The Evergreen State College
Last Updated: 12/03/2003