Arts, Environment, and the Child

Waters of Life, Celebration of Cultures and Language
Water images and links
Stories about water
Our projects
8 Credits
Faculty: Hirsh Diamant, ext. 867-6736,; and Nancy A. Parkes, 867- 6737,
Dates: Mondays, 6-9 p.m.; one Weds., Oct 15; and five Saturdays: Oct 4, 18, Nov 1, 15, and Dec 6
Requirements: Attendance at first class is mandatory and excellent attendance/participation required throughout
Special fees: $35 for art materials and field trips

Children begin life with a deep and joyous connection to the arts and to the natural world. Later in life, this natural ability to dance, paint and make things, along with a living connection to ecology, is muted or lost. How? What can be done to restore these essential connections for children and adults? Students will become acquainted with the study of child development, public education methods, alternative education and practical applications of integrating both arts and environmental studies within academic curriculum. Through experiences in visual and performing arts, as well as experiential work with children, students will gain an understanding of the importance of both arts and connection to nature in the development of the child. We will also study how more integrated curriculum may lead children to develop richer adult lives.
During the quarter, students will create a workshop/curriculum for a specific lesson in a kindergarten through eighth grade class. These projects will be planned collaboratively; reviewed by the classroom teacher; presented and assessed by the students themselves; and presented to our program. They will be “templates” that can be reproduced by teachers for future classes.