* to better understand positions and motions of celestial
* to construct makeshift measuring tools and ...
* to learn to measure celestial positions in order ...
* to figure your latitude at sea with minimal equipment
Overview: you will
- Think about how to orient yourself from altitudes
of celestial objects, and practice finding altitudes
with your fingers, hands, and wink.
- Build and use a makeshift sextant and kamal
- Practice measurements to find latitude.
- Discuss your conclusions, any surprises, and your
team work. Analyze the validity of initial assumptions
and propose possible reasons for any apparent discrepancies
EQUIPMENT: Bring these to class.
* your Burch text and a copy of this workshop
* your completed homework
* a protractor (flat round or half-round plastic tool for
measuring angles)
* a centimeter ruler (wood or stiff plastic)
* a skinny straw (e.g. for stirring coffee), some string and
tape, and a nut to weight your string. Your TA will supply
* a drill to make holes in your ruler - your prof will bring
a drill, or you can use the awl on your Leatherman or Swiss
army knife
* crossed sticks, to correct Polaris' location (your prof
or TA will supply these)
before you come to class:
* Print out and read this workshop completely. Notice what
sections from Burch are referenced.
* Read the relevant sections from Burch.
* Practice finding Polaris using the relations on p.54
(Burch). Know four different ways to find Polaris' location
even if you can't see it. Practice using this sky (click
here) - we will also look at it in class.
* Complete Activity 1 before class.
* Summarize your results in the table in Activity 1. Make
a copy to turn in at the start of class, and keep one to work
Recall the first workshop we did
on Space and Time, when you calibrated your hands. Today you will
learn new ways to use those results, and additional techniques
to measure positions in the sky.
ACTIVITY 1. THINK FIRST: Imagine that you
are shipwrecked or lost with no equipment. If you
could find a way to measure the height (or altitude) of
objects in the sky, how could you use them to orient yourself?
Be specific: What objects' altitudes or locations
in the sky would you like to know?
What would this tell you about your location on Earth?
THEN DO: You already have one set of tools
to measure locations in the sky - your own body.
* Recall how you calibrated your hands and fingers in
our first workshop. Use the charts on 151 to check the
calibration of your fingers and handspan.
Hold your fingers up to the stars (before class as part
of your homework, when the weather clears).
Compare them to celestial spacings (e.g. Fig. 11-2, p.151)
to find out their angular size, at
arm's length (from Kaufmann, Universe).
* Also calibrate your wink, to find the angular parallax
between your two eyes. Use the method on p.155 in Burch.
angular size (degrees) |
angular size (degrees) |
pinky nail |
width of base of hand |
pointer width |
outstretched thumb-to-pointer |
thumb width |
outstretched hand |
parallax to outstretched finger (WINK) |
Compare the angular size of your fingers, hands, and
wink with those of classmates. What are the ranges?
How exact (or uncertain) are these measurements?
When you get to class, we will choose a proxy for Polaris
for everyone to measure, if the sky is not clear enough
to measure the actual Polaris. Try to forget whatever
you may already know about Polaris' actual altitude, to
better simulate a shipwreck situation.
First, find the altitude of (proxy-) Polaris with your
body. How far off could your measurement be?
Polaris altitude from hands: ___________________ Uncertainty
in your measurement with hands: ________________
ACTIVITY 2. If you were shipwrecked or lost with
only basic materials, here are two simple instruments
you could use to measure the altitude of objects in sky.
Half the class will build kamals, half will build makeshift
sextants. If you have time next week, you might build
both. (If you have the opportunity to learn to use a Sextant
in the future, you can take more preceise measurements.)
A. Build and use a makeshift kamal as directed in Burch p150.
You need:
* a centimeter ruler
* string
* holes in your ruler (use Zita's drill, carefully. Please,
no injuries.)
Use it to measure the angular height, or altitude,
of a reference object to be chosen together in class.
Polaris altitude from kamal: __________
Uncertainty in your kamal measurement: _________
B. Build and use a makeshift sextant
as in Burch p154,
* a protractor for angle measurements (you could make
one of these from scratch if you had to)
* a straw for your sight tube (tape it to the flat edge
of the protractor)
* a string weighted with a nut for your plumb bob.
Use it to measure the angular height of Polaris as
drawn on the blackboard. (Stand at the opposite
Polaris altitude from sextant: __________
Uncertainty in your sextant measurement: _________
Do these instruments give you more precision than your
hands? Which measurement do you feel is best? How good
is it?
ACTIVITY 3. You can find your latitude
precisely, given an altitude measurement.
First, use your best Polaris
measurement above, and correct it as directed in Burch
Your Latitude = Hs - Dip - Refraction + Polaris
correction, where
Hs = apparent altitude of Polaris =
Dip = correction if your eye is not lying on the
ground = 1' Sqrt[ Height of Eye (in feet)] = ________
(For the purposes of this exercise, assume your eye
is 16 feet above sea level - what could you be standing
on in that case?)
correction (RC) for light bent up by thick atmosphere
at the horizon (this applies for measurements outside,
at a distance, as for stars or the Sun)
RC = 60' / Hs (for Hs
> 6 degrees) or
RC = a larger number (<34.5') found
on Figure 11-7, p.157 (for Hs < 6 degrees).
Refraction correction = __________
Polaris correction
= perpendicular distance from Polaris to the true
North Pole, a maximum of 48', found by noting the direction
of Polaris with respect to an imaginary line that intersects
true N Pole (drawn from the ends of Casseopeia and Ursa
Major), as in Figure 11-8, p.159.
Borrow Zita's crossed sticks to measure the angle
you need for the Polaris correction, then return them
so the next group can use them.
(Stand anywhere for this measurement.)
Polaris correction = __________
These several small corrections matter, because if you
measure Polaris' altitude off 30' (half a degree), your
latitude will be off 30 miles. That could make the
difference between seeing the clouds or birds of a lone
island in the morning, or missing it.
Add (or subtract) your corrections appropriately
to find your
Latitude from Polaris measurement = ___________
Uncertainty in your latitude = ____________
ACTIVITY 4. You can also calculate your latitude with
a solar altitude measurement (Burch
* know the declination of the Sun (know the date)
* measure the sun's altitude at noon (then
calculate its zenith distance = 90 degrees
- altitude = distance of the Sun from zenith, the top
of the sky)
* Find your Latitude from the Sun's declination
and altitude
A. First, let's figure out how the Sun's
altitude depends on the date (or its declination)
and our location (latitude).
Recall the latitudes
of a few key places on Earth: N Pole______;
Olympia _____; Tropic of Cancer _______;
Equator ______; Tropic of Capricorn ______
Recall that the Sun's
declination is its angle from the celestial
equator: the Sun's declination is its celestial
latitude. This depends only on the date.
The Sun stands directly overhead at the Earth latitude
that equals the Sun's declination, on a given date.
When does the Sun rise and set due east and west?
Where is the Sun directly overhead at noon on those
days? _________________
What is the relation between the Sun's path (the
ecliptic) and the celestial equator on those days?
What is the angular difference between the Sun's
position and the celestial equator on those days?
This is the Sun's declination at equinox::
0 degrees.
Consider the Sun's declination, or celestial latitude,
on a few other days.
When is the Sun directly over the Tropic of Cancer?
__________ On this date, the Sun's declination
is equal to the Tropic of Cancer's latitude:
When is the Sun directly over the Tropic of Capricorn?
__________ On this date, the Sun's declination
is equal to the Tropic of Capricorn's latitude:
When is the Sun directly over Olympia? ___________
Does the Sun ever have a declination equal to Olympia's
latitude? ____
Notice that the maximum declination of the Sun is
+ 23.5 degrees (N) and the minimum declination of
the Sun is - 23.5 degrees (S).
The Sun's declination is the latitude at which
the Sun is overhead on a given day.
For example, at Equinoxes, the Sun is overhead
at the equator: zero latitude -> zero declination
on those two days.
The Sun's declination depends on the date but
not on your latitude.
Summarize your results in this table. Leave
the last two columns blank for now; just fill in the Latitude and Declination columns.
Place and date
Sun's altitude
Sun's altitude
Olympia at equinox
Olympia at summer
Olympia at winter
solstice |
Equator at equinox
Equator at summer
Equator at winter
Tropic of Cancer
at equinox
Tropic of Cancer
at summer solstice |
Tropic of Cancer
at winter solstice |
Next, use your
Solar Motion demonstrator to estimate the
Sun's altitude (at noon - we are considering the
maximum angle above the horizon for a given place
and date) at each place and time. Fill in the third column: estimate Sun's altitude. Leave
the last column blank for now.
B. Note the patterns that you see emerging.
Briefly summarize what you have just observed about
how the Sun's declination
depends on:
Propose a relationship
between latitude, Sun's declination, and Sun's latitude.
How could you predict the Sun's altitude for a given
place on a given date?
Try your proposed calculation on the cases in the
table above, and on a few other places and dates,
e.g. the North pole. Note your findings.
Do your calculations match your measurements on
the Solar Motion Demonstrator? Discuss with
classmates and your professor.
C. Latitude
= sun's declination - sun's zenith distance, where
zenith distance = (90-Sun's altitude) = distance
of Sun from the zenith, or the top of the sky.
N.B.: Looking
south to the Sun, Zenith distance is (-).
Looking north to the Sun, Zenith distance is (+).
(Burch p.171)
How does this equation compare with the relationship
you induced in part B above? Solve the equation
algebraically for Sun's altitude
= ____________________
Use this relation to calculate the Sun's altitude and fill in the last
column in your table above. How do
your calculations compare to your estimates
from your Solar Motion Demonstrator? Can you
trust the equation?
D. You need to know the Sun's declination
to calculate your latitude from the Sun's
altitude and declination: You now have an
equation relating these three things. You
know how to measure the Sun's altitude using your
hands, a sextant, or a kamal.
Now how to find the Sun's declination? What
does the Sun's declination depend on? Place?
____ Date? ____
Recall the Sun's
declination at equinox ____ (date = __________),
summer solstice ____ (date = ____________), and
winter solstice ____ (date = ____________)
What if the date was something in between?
You can estimate that the Sun's declination on 1.May,
for example, is about midway between its dec. on
22. Mar (equinox) and its dec. on 22.June (summer
Estimate the Sun's
declination for 1.Feb.__________, 1.May __________,
1.Aug.__________, and 1.Nov.__________.
There are a couple of ways to find the Sun's declination
more precisely, for a given day. The easiest
way is to look it up on a chart or tide
Look up the Sun's declination for 1.Feb.__________,
1.May __________, 1.Aug.__________, and 1.Nov.__________.
OPTIONAL: If you don't have a tide table
with the sun's declination, you can calculate it
from the date.
Solar declination
= Earth's tilt
* cos (date angle) where
tilt = 23.45 degrees
angle = 90 degrees S / (S+E) where
S = days to the nearest solstice
E = days to the nearest equinox
For example, the date angle = 0 on solstices and
+/- 23.45 degrees on equinoxes.
The cycle starts at June 21.
E. You can now find
your latitude by (1) observing the Sun's
altitude at noon, (2) looking up the Sun's declination
for your date, and (3) calculating the latitude
with the equation we found in part C above.
Test case: It is August 1 and, looking
north, you measure the Sun's altitude to be 10
degrees at local noon. Where
are you on Earth?
First, GUESS: northern hemisphere _____
OR southern hemisphere? _______
Guess your approximate latitude: _______
Hs = apparent Solar altitude = _______
Dip = _____
RC = _____
Solar radius = 16' (p.156). Assume you are
using a kamal, therefore you are measuring the altitude
to the top of the Sun. Declinations are given
for the Sun's center, so do you need to add or subtract
the Sun's radius? _____
Ho = actual Solar altitude = ________
zd = solar zenith distance = ________
Sun's declination today = ________
Your latitude = ________
Uncertainty in your latitude? _______
How does this compare with your guess?
How can this help you find your way?
Think about the key points you have learned. What surprised
you? Is anything still unclear? Is there anything you need
help with before you can meet your learning goals? What would
you like to learn, beyond this workshop?
Please fill out workshop feedback
before you leave, the first week we start this workshop.
You can post this on WebX now.
Everyone on your team should contribute to the feedback. After
finishing the workshop (the second week), you will post a
complete workshop report on